Culbert’s Hill speed bumps

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I have lived in the Eastern part of New Providence, very close to Culbert’s Hill for many years. Over these years, I have learned to navigate the numerous pot holes (at times large enough to damage a vehicle) which were repeatedly filled and re-patched, until the next heavy rainfall opened them all up again.

So I was delighted when the Ministry of Works finally began the repaving exercise on this road.

I am sure I speak for all drivers who regularly use this thoroughfare, that it was a real pleasure, for a short while, to experience this smooth, hole-free surface.

That is, until somebody decided to install the speed bumps! These massive bumps are to put it mildly, “overkill”, as you described them in your Editorial on June 12.

There are 15 very large humps between Winton Highway and Prince Charles Drive.

While I recognise the need to have a few speed bumps strategically placed on this road to slow drivers down, what has been done is nothing short of ridiculous.

The bumps are positioned everywhere, even on the brows and crests of the hills, so not visible until you are almost on top of them.

To add insult to injury, they were left unpainted for at least a month and the new asphalt surface bears the scars of the many drivers who hit them unknowingly.

They have recently been painted, with the word HUMP in large white letters in front of each one.

I would like to know who thought that 15 speed bumps on this one short road were necessary.

In addition to the many road users who are now inconvenienced, one can only imagine how it will delay emergency vehicles, ambulances or police cars, on what is a major north/south artery in the eastern part of the island.

I passed a fire truck heading east last week, and hoped they would not have to turn onto Culbert’s Hill, as that could cause damage to the vehicle and doubtless slow it down in an emergency situation.

So after many years of persevering and dodging the many potholes on Culbert’s Hill, now that we have this nice, newly paved road, I have begun to search out alternate routes to avoid using it. Bring back the potholes…what a shame!



June 19, 2018.


ThisIsOurs 5 years, 10 months ago

"I would like to know who thought that 15 speed bumps on this one short road were necessary."


"Bring back the potholes…what a shame!"

ROTFLKUML that last part says "kicking up my legs" lol


ThisIsOurs 5 years, 10 months ago

"have recently been painted, with the word HUMP in large white letters in front of each one."



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