IAN FERGUSON: Translating faith to the workplace

As we bring this sacred season of Easter to a close, it has provided a wonderful opportunity for many to reflect on their faith. One of the greatest points of question, and concern, for many who follow Judeo-Christian teachings and practice is how much of our expression of faith should we include in our corporate and civic lives.

Does the text: “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s” provide a licence to drop faith when we enter the workplace?

Or does Jehovah expect us to carry our faith into the world of work and wear it as a badge of honour?

Many today have accepted the view that a schizophrenic approach to living with faith is not advised. There cannot be a church self, a work self, a home self and a neighborhood self. In these parts we label that “hypocrisy”. What we have begun to accept now, and embrace, is an inclusion of faith at work or “Marketplace Ministry”.

Marketplace ministry typically refers to evangelism or other Christian activities that are targeted towards the secular workplace, as opposed to homes, churches or specialised venues. The simplest definition is to be a disciple and witness for Christ in and through your work or business. Some might say it is having the attitude of being a full-time minister in the workplace.

Most view marketplace ministry as very important in this age since so many persons have opted to exclude themselves from traditional religious/church activities. The only place they will see a life of faith lived out is in the lives of living epistles. Some might even argue that the most effective form of evangelism and outreach is in the very organic environment where you share your faith with others. The staged performances in churches, conferences, revivals and crusades are often viewed as shows of choreographed forms of worship. The more authentic experience is when a true believer enacts with another in love, faith, forgiveness and acceptance.

Here, then, are some tips for effective marketplace ministry:

  1. Work with Excellence. The scriptures clearly warn people of faith to work hard as unto the Lord. No matter the workplace, the efforts are first and foremost working for an audience of One.

  2. Have integrity. If the first point holds true, then this second point must as well. Having integrity means being honest and possessing strong moral principles and convictions. What people see is what they get. The salt of the Earth and the Light of the world must mean something to the marketplace minister.

  3. Seek discernment. The book of Proverbs is a great place to start when we consider the importance of wisdom. Believers in the workplace must always first be seeking the voice of God as they navigate faith in the workplace. Wisdom must be exercised in knowing how, when, who and where faith must be shared. Certainly, the goals and objectives of the business must never be compromised or otherwise the purpose of marketplace ministry has been thwarted.

• NB: Ian R Ferguson is a talent management and organisational development consultant, having completed graduate studies with regional and international universities. He has served organsations, both locally and globally, providing relevant solutions to their business growth and development issues. He may be contacted at iferguson@bahamas.com.


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