Medals show the difference

EDITOR, The Tribune

The results of CARIFTA as the public in Nassau have been told was that the Bahamas came second, 2nd…with 26 medals.

Cleverly as one can with giving statistics argue anything how you wish to portray the matter. Sports Ministry did not say that Jamaica won 85 medals of which 36 were Gold in contrast The Bahamas won 26 medals of which nine were Gold against Trinidad who won 24 medals of which seven were Gold.

The truth Minister of Sports is good to teach the young people but then you so like to bend the real truth…yes kudos the Bahamas team came second to the mighty house of Jamaica with a difference of 59 medals in total and on Gold a difference of 27!



April 23, 2019


moncurcool 4 years, 11 months ago

Jamaica has a population of 3 million people, Trinidad has a population of 1.3 million people and the Bahamas has a population of 400,000. Based upon that, who really won Carifta? If we had a 3 million population, we would have been whooping with the medals.

For our population size in comparison to the others, we are doing extremely well.


Sickened 4 years, 11 months ago

Correct! Per capita WE ARE THE BEST!!


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