Too many sign eyesores

EDITOR, The Tribune

Re: We need regulations to control the signs everywhere.

I agree 100 percent with the letter writer, Monkeedoo. The once beautiful sea vista at Montagu is marred by the tacky billboards erected by public and private sector entities.

These billboards are garbage. The garbage continues across the street to the litter-strewn privately-owned lot under the shadow of the EyeWitness News billboard. How is it that people are allowed to erect these ugly, oversized billboards willy-nilly and destroy an exquisite waterfront view?

It is a national disgrace and neither the Bahamians, nor the many tourists who frequent the area should have to confront it. What happened to the promised crackdown against billboards by the Department of Public Works and the Bahamas Public Parks and Public Beaches Authority?

All talk, no action.

These oversized plywood billboards are an eyesore. They cheapen the environment and reflect poorly on the park and surrounding areas.

We were told the authorities would not tolerate this often-called ghetto form of advertising, ºIf they can’t deal with it, find someone who can.



July 31, 2019


pileit 4 years, 8 months ago

Further, what knucklehead authorized these benches erected squarely in front of the Western horizon at every lookout spot set aside for vehicles to park and take in the view? Who gave this chap the right to place his blaring "Oasis furniture" foolishness in front of the public view... I've a mind to tear them down......let them stick to the makeshift, shabbily erected faux bus stops strewn about the town...typical local government, zero pride, zero standard.


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