Far too much speeding

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I have never seen on TV, or otherwise, The Queen of England being raced through the streets of London, with a siren blaring and I am wondering why it is that her designated representative in the Bahamas, Our Governor General, should feel the need himself, to be raced around our streets as has been the case since his ascension to this high office. It is so undignified.

As the Governor General now resides in the east, one can never be sure if the screaming vehicle is some unfortunate soul needing urgent medical attention, or dangerous prisoners being rushed to have their day in court, or now indeed, if it is the Governor General on his urgent way to some very important event of State.

Other than the Medical Ambulances on an Emergency call, I really see no need for all of this unnecessary speeding along our very tiny and congested roads.



August 5, 2019.


hrysippus 4 years, 8 months ago

Great letter, well written and I agree totally with the sentiments expressed. It is like watching young teenagers playing, the power goes straight to the head.


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