No-one has solution to society's ills

EDITOR, The Tribune

As I look at the news and see murder continuously occurring, it supports my hypothesis that social structure change is needed. If you only treat the symptoms of societal ills, you have to keep medicating indefinitely, as is the Bahamas’ present trajectory.

Both the PLP or FNM intend to do nothing but magic shows like strong police presence or minuscule social intervention. It is no surprise that homicides are prevalent and endemic throughout the Caribbean. The social structures are similar. The developed world, like the US and Europe have gotten mainly the middle class to pay for a welfare state that somewhat pacify the marginalised. Capitalism, Socialism and Communism are outdated therefore a more inclusive socio-economic system is required.

Neither, the PLP nor FNM

Only if you live in lala land do you believe the people at the bottom of the socio-economic system get a fair opportunity for social mobility. There are token extremely poor that rise, but it is the exception, not the rule. I borrow from Bob Marley, “It’s war”!!



December 4, 2019


sheeprunner12 4 years, 4 months ago

Well .......... maybe this Jamaican can tell us how to solve a problem that his country SURELY cannot solve .......... I love how these immigrants like to tell us what to do ........ SMH


jus2cents 4 years, 4 months ago

I have a solution ENFORCE THE LAW and get Foreign Judges, lots of them! Yes, I said the F word! And do it now before the law becomes unenforceable, the nation is on a tipping point! Lack of Enforcement of the Existing Laws is the nations single largest problem, and that is across the board, and the slow court system adds to the problem.

As the old quote goes, "When morals are sufficient, law is unnecessary; when morals are insufficient, the laws are unenforceable."

An make community service be the main 'punishment' for crimes that don't involve murder.

Education is the start to 'stopping crime' not churches (they are useless) How to improve the educational system? .... Same F word- We need Foreign teachers lots of them!

Solutions that would work.


Well_mudda_take_sic 4 years, 4 months ago

Right you are @jus2cents. Our country was light years ahead of where it is today when we did have foreign judges and foreign teachers. But there are few foreign judges and foreign teachers from the more developed countries who would be willing to sacrifice so much to live dangerously in the type of hell hole the Bahamas has since become.


joeblow 4 years, 4 months ago

The reality is it is our family structure and moral values that have changed within one generation! We have traded ways that worked for ways that do not, it is that simple. Money cannot solve our problems, hard work , discipline and proper moral values can, it did before.


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