No confidence in these rules

EDITOR, The Tribune.

So, according to the Rules of the House of Assembly seemingly so unbrilliantly drafted by QC once AG Alfred Sears, no Vote of No Confidence can be brought against a sitting Government…Prime Minister or Minister as soon as you table it it can be countered with a Confidence Resolution…brilliance, but so laughable the PLP caught by their own mischief.

In a democracy you must have the right in Parliament for the Government - Prime Minister or Ministers to be challenged by the Opposition with a Resolution charging their no confidence in their Government or Minister or what do you have?

If, and I really question this, the Most Hon Prime Minister means what he says and does what he says he should immediately change the Rules of the House to effect that all No Confidence Resolutions have to be heard and voted on and cannot be muted by tabling a confidence resolution. I know it will not happen…might be shocked thou?



December 21, 2019.


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