Policing by PR is failing

 EDITOR, The Tribune

If the stats from the police are correct we have to admit solely because of statistical elimination (in probability there are only so many people who will commit a murder and so many that will be victims) we see a limited reduction without considering the cases at the coroner which have not as yet been classified.

Why do the police think “policing by PR - appearances on TV” will resolve our crime problem? The minister on TV almost daily!

The police tell us they know where the pockets of criminal activity are and know the criminals! So why haven’t the Police eradicated the known criminal areas and element a long time ago?

If there is an area in Black Village surround it - and with a house to house search eliminate the criminal activity - go back two-three days after and do the same. Repeat this in every Police known area of criminal activity - Commissioner your people tell us you know the where and who? There is no excuse unless you really don’t?

We don’t need  drones - shots potter we need basic police work, cut the PR and television appearances. Cut the politics also.



January 10, 2019


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