People should be free to march

EDITOR, The Tribune.

ONE word…freedom. Is the Bahamas not a free country? Whether you agree or disagree with people’s choices, all of us living in this country have the right to free speech and free expression.

While this march apparently offends some people is beside the point. It is everyone’s right as a citizen to speak out, march, or protest as they see fit, regardless of any backlash. Squelching freedoms is the actual slippery slope here, Mr Evans. Without these freedoms afforded to us, this country would become a place run by fear and intimidation. My suggestion to you and everyone else out there who disapprove of other’s choices is to stay home and not attend. That is your right. But by the same token, this march is their right as well.

As a country, let’s not continue to promote this negative thinking which only serves to divide us and harm those trying to live their lives.

Isn’t that what freedom is truly about?



July 16, 2019.


Sickened 4 years, 9 months ago

Not everyone should be free to march. I would hate to see, for example, marches to 'Kill Pit Bulls' or 'Anti Fag and Lesbian' or 'Let's Kill Sharks'.


suekatzartist 4 years, 9 months ago

really? is this what you got from my letter? what an idiotic response


hrysippus 4 years, 9 months ago

Although the country describes itself as free nonetheless it is not a country free from bigotry and prejudice. Ignorance and hatred have ever gone hand in hand and often those fires are fed by religious and political leaders. I congratulate Ms, Katz on her comment, we need more educated talented citizens like yourself to provide a balance to some of the hatred coming from mouths that should know better,


joeblow 4 years, 9 months ago

People may be free to march, but they have to be prepared to take what comes along with marching!!


hrysippus 4 years, 9 months ago

what does your comment mean? Are you condoning any sort of bad behaviour, or even violence? I hope not. I do not describe myself as LBGT but I am thinking of attending just to show support and show that not everyone here is a homophobic bigot. I wiold attend with my spouse and children.


joeblow 4 years, 9 months ago

... my comment is simple and factual. When a person marches in any kind of march (labor, civil rights, etc) there can be repercussions, political, social, economic etc. Better put, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.


suekatzartist 4 years, 9 months ago

this should not stop people from doing what they believe is right...


suekatzartist 4 years, 9 months ago

good for you!!! and thank you for being another voice of reason ...


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