An eyesore which should be removed

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I wish the developers and the lenders of the Fusion IMAX Theatre on the top of Gladstone Road all the luck in the world. They have tackled a huge project and taken a huge financial risk and I hope they get their just reward.

That doesn’t change the fact that their building does NOT belong anywhere in the Bahamas. As I said in my November, 2018 letter to you, it would be fine in Orlando, Ft Lauderdale, or Las Vegas, but not in our islands.

I’m not a lawyer, but I do care about my country. In my opinion the screen which faces JFK is illegal and/or contrary to town planning regulations, and it should be turned off and covered up. Someone made the correct decision to make Leslie Miller turn off the sign near his bowling alley on Harrold Road. Why has Fusion IMAX been allowed to keep their screen on which is much worse?

While I am writing about eyesores I would like to mention the proliferation of road signs and billboards. I have nothing against small signs offering to do some tiling or someone looking for their lost dog but I am against the four foot by eight foot (and larger) billboards which are sprouting up all over the place.

I hope our lawmakers don’t allow our lovely islands to become like the worst Florida roads covered in huge signs advertising everything.



March 18, 2019.


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