We need some optimism

EDITOR, The Tribune.

As I examine the history of the Bahamas I notice a shift from determinate optimism to indeterminate pessimism.

During the fight for independence in the 1940s, 1950s, the majority of the population was sure that if they took political control of the Bahamas things would be much better. This was demonstrated by the vigour and vitality of the nationalist movement.

By the 1980s things have changed. Independence did not bring milk and honey to all. Life did improve somewhat but people noticed that Bahamian replaced the British and social stratification was similar to colonial times.

The outlaw developed as the bread winner for many marginalised families. Wealth distribution became a problem. The present crime and gang situation is an evolution of a people who were optimistic and believed that there is a definite formula for success to a people that’s pessimistic and believes life indeterminate.

Whatever a people believes becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy because life is both determinant and indeterminate simultaneously; it is probabilistic. If you work hard toward a goal there is a good chance you achieve. If you believe life uncertain and beg your bet then by defusing your efforts it becomes more uncertain. Even the Bahamas' politicians approach to development is pessimistic and indeterminate. It is not like Singapore, China or Israel where virtually everyone knows the plan and believes in its inevitable success.

Good leadership is about motivating others to commitment, but can a person do that if they are not dedicated (optimistic and certain)?



November 20, 2019.


Porcupine 4 years, 5 months ago

Mr. Plummer, Many optimistic people have still died prematurely from their cancer. I believe in facing reality. China, Singapore, and Israel all rely on force to achieve their objectives. Israel opposes the whole world's condemnation of their treatment of Palestinians. China has a couple of million people in concentration camps, they call them re-education centers. And, see their response on Hong Kong. Singapore is more of the same. I vote for democracy and truth. According to the recent statement by the Union of Concerned Scientists, the loss of democracy is one of the three greatest threats to humanity at present. I don't see the needed concern by any of the three countries you mentioned. Sometimes reality, especially Bahamian reality is depressing. How else should we see it?


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