The $17m drones

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Not that the $17m wroth of 55 drones might assist the police the public needs some re-assurances as to how these drones will operate and an assurance that our privacy will not unless they, the police have a Magistrate’s Order, be abused.

1) Can the drone possibly be equipped with strong listening devices hover over private property and record conversations taking place inside the home or in the yard?

2) Can the drone fly over the space over ones private home take photographs? Maybe taking video of legal activities in your yard around a pool, say home owners skinny dipping in their privacy?

3) What if there is abuse of the RBPF-RBDF - Immigration can the public sue for damages? Can the public if suspect of Law Enforcement recording or taking photographs require a copy of the material…video or tape? I cannot be refused.

Just thinking how these 55 drones will be operated? An incident is called in at Fox Hill… nearest drone say South Beach… will the officer in charge immediately send up a drone or…what is the use after the crime…criminals left the scene. At every murder Police ask us for help?

This Minister likes toys…now 55 drones - $17m.



December 17, 2019.


sweptaway 4 years, 3 months ago

At a crash rate of 1 drone a day ,that's not two months worth of droning .and they probably wont last that long.


Sickened 4 years, 3 months ago

In the US they perform statistical analysis to see where and at what times driving accidents and certain crimes usually occur. They then ensure that there are added police patrols and ambulances are in those areas around that time. Makes senses right?

Do we do that? It doesn't appear so, because there never seems to be a patrol car available at your nearest police station NOR do they have any 'in the area'. No longer a shocking statement unfortunately. Also 99 times out of 100 you will need to wait AT LEAST 30 minutes for an ambulance - god forbid you need one around traffic time.


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