Is The Pointe complying with HoA over workers?

EDITOR, The Tribune

The Pointe - has there been compliance with the Heads of Agreement regarding the number of non-Bahamian construction workers?

This is determined totally by the terms of the Heads of Agreement, tabled in Parliament and one supposes the Ministry of Labour is responsible for ensuring compliance.

From the start there was an issue with this project…first some said there was language in the Agreement which was not mutually understood but months went past - further floors built and no statement if there was compliance…why? Clearly no!

It is not difficult to recognise the difference between a Chinese worker and a Bahamian even probably a blind man can do that my listening, but not Department of Labour they seem to be totally blind and deaf – with ‘000’s of construction workers out of work it was the responsibility of the Department of Labour to regularly inspect and take a count of the number of Bahamians onsite working at The Pointe, but no, Labour did nothing…now at the peak the rush to compete news says there may be 224 Bahamian construction people working on site.

Someone has to explain…OPM FDI co-ordinators - Minister for Labour - Director of Labour someone needs to explain.



January 16, 2020


Sickened 4 years, 3 months ago

Someone get paid big time NOT to go to the Pointe and look!


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