Papers, please

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Suggestion: A combination card that holds three sets of information of each Canadian Citizen:

1) COVID-19 Vaccination (#, time when given and type of vaccine)

2) Social insurance # (possible CRS#)and medical information (available to any doctor on the globe)

3) Travel history over last three years.

Ok, I can hear the civil liberty and personal privacy hawks crying out already. But why? Do we not live in a democracy where our government protects our information and privacy or not? Conspiracies aside our society must know certain things about its various parts to ensure it collectively works.

All the above mentioned information is often found within separate cards or documents already. Put them all into a digital card that cannot be hacked. Separate codes that allow for entry into each of these three information ports would be known to our various ministries. Say you are in Barbados at a doctor’s office. The doctor needs your personal health information so their office contacts the office of say OHIP and using a approved code will have information sent to the doctor provided by OHIP. If we were able to walk on the moon why can we not create a card that has unbreakable protection?

Why is information needed? Governmental identification is essential. Has the individual been vaccinated, or has the subject had and recovered from COVID-19? What is the subject’s health history essential to protect ones health and assist in any needed medical procedures.

The Citizens travel history can pinpoint how and where an illness, virus and procedure has happened. Travelling to the Congo (Ebola), India (various ailments), China (COVID-19, Sar’s) Central and Latin America (cholera, infant syndrome, you name it, it’s there). All useful information that our protectors need.

Just as wearing a mask has caused members of our society to protest and declare their “rights” to not wear them, so too will this identity card cause all sorts of difficulties. Our neighbour’s “Fear the Possible”.

Our government may use this card to manipulate and control us. It will be the first step towards total social control of our population, etc...

You want to be safe? Do you want Ontario and Canada to manage every challenge that is thrown at it?

I suppose societal membership demands certain obligations and sacrifices.

Next time you hear someone come up to you and ask “Papers Please” possibly respond in a positively helpful manner. We need to work together for our self benefit after all.


Bradford, Ontario

August 9, 2021.


joeblow 2 years, 8 months ago

.... and this is how it began in Germany in the 1930's and is about creating classes and controlling populations! People never seem to learn the lessons of history!


JokeyJack 2 years, 8 months ago

Yep, back in those days this Kaszab fellow would have immedistely been promoted from regular army to Gestapo. Wonder if promotion is his intent today? You also really have to wonder how much closer to a Nazi take-over the world has to come before the retina has a focused image?


ohdrap4 2 years, 8 months ago

I was thinking about the ton ton macoute.


skaszab@yahoo.ca 2 years, 8 months ago

Indentity papers showing who, what and where about you make sense especially with much of the world still not vaccinated and other nations citizens refusing to do the honorable thing...caring for others and not themselves. That does not make me commie like. I just don't trust corporations whose only reason forexisting is to make profit, not doing the right thing.


ohdrap4 2 years, 8 months ago

Well the prolly is this:

The govt , my doctor or the immigration from other countries, may require some of all of these documents.

But the problem is that I would have to be showing these to the bouncer at the night club or security at supervalue food store.

There are many Mengeles writing such letters now.

Although, I would love to know where the vaccinated congregate so I can avoid such super spreaders. Thanks.


tribanon 2 years, 8 months ago

The Communist Canadian writer says: "Conspiracies aside our society must know certain things about its various parts to ensure it collectively works."

To which I respond: Conspiracy concerns justify why our society must protect the rights and freedoms of its individual members to ensure it remains a viable democracy that works.


skaszab@yahoo.ca 2 years, 8 months ago

even if the rights of individuals threaten the lives of others? Rights to have weapons, be non vaccinated, not wear masks vs Civil Duty-Moral duty to protect others.


tribanon 2 years, 7 months ago

Everytime someone drives a vehicle on the highway they unintentionally threaten the lives of others. Is it our civil and moral duty to protect others by stopping everyone from driving vehicles on the highway?

And whatever happened to one's civil and moral duty to protect the basic rights and freedoms of individuals in a society as opposed to the so called 'collective interest' determined by a few corrupt politicians with a misguided political agenda that serves only power-crazed interests and the greedy financial interests of their corporate backers and elitist oligarchical globalists?


bcitizen 2 years, 8 months ago

The Citizens travel history can pinpoint how and where an illness, virus and procedure has happened. Travelling to the Congo (Ebola), India (various ailments), China (COVID-19, Sar’s) Central and Latin America (cholera, infant syndrome, you name it, it’s there). All useful information that our protectors need.

"All useful information that our protectors need"

Here in lies is the problem with people with a big brother daddy, slave master, feudal lord, call it whatever you want mentality. Some people do not want to be grown independent free adults. They always want someone to protect and to take care of them at any cost. It is like ta dog with a collar around their neck. Freedom and independence is hard, requires responsibility, and critical thinking. Unfortunately most people who refuse this with the promise of being cared for by big brother end up with neither freedom nor security,

Name one government office in The Bahamas you have ever been in that inspired confidence in our civil service and government and would like to give them more control over your life?


skaszab@yahoo.ca 2 years, 8 months ago

grow up! you really don't have any rights. The government, any government can declare an emergency , take your stuff all in the name of national security. How about thinking about your neighbor, friends, family and total strangers health and welfare.


tribanon 2 years, 7 months ago

Yup. You're either young and naive or just a plain 'ole commie. lol


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