The future of the Republicans

EDITOR, The Tribune.

The Republican Party is at a crossroads. This is the party of Lincoln and grand sweeping ideas. Impeachment of Trump is a battle for the soul of the GOP.

Trump’s whole political philosophy is one of extreme narrow mindedness. Appeal to people’s fears.

Barely hiding his racism he appealed to what is the worst in us.

Declaring Mexicans as drug dealers, criminals and racists. Defending racists and Klansmen at Charlotesville as “good people”. White America is steeped in endemic racism and he played the racist card at every opportunity.

He then riled up his base to attack the very core of America’s democracy killing five human beings with the capital riots and I bet Trump did not lose a minutes sleep over that as he is incapable of normal human empathy.

Five families struggling with the unnecessary deaths of loved ones.

Is the GOP now Trump’s party? If so what is the GOP’s future? Will white America see through the ruse? His base generally is with elderly whites and non college educated whites, the rednecks. Does the GOP think in the long term it can win elections on a dwindling base?

The percentage of non-whites in the USA rises every year so the racist card will turn them away in droves.

Mitch McConnell and moderate Republicans must dislike everything Trump stands for, but they are between a rock and a hard place.

If they do the decent thing and vote to impeach they may well lose their seats at selection to the rabid violent Trump base, they may actually be in harms way.

Let’s not forget during the riots in the Senate the mob were chanting “hang Mike Pence”.

The USA is a shining beacon of healthy democracy and the battle for the soul of the GOP is so important for all of us in the long term.

We can only hope the GOP reinvents itself from the fascist direction that Trump had them on.



February 11, 2021.


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