A COMIC'S VIEW: Resolutions hit a speed bump?


OKAY it’s January 15th, 2021, a week since I wrote about New Year’s resolutions and the importance of making the right resolution choices.

Remember the part about some of you not lasting too long?

If you just “sucked” your teeth after reading the previous sentence, relax you’re one of them too, and also like many other people.

As I mentioned in last week’s column, some of us make resolutions without giving much thought to the resolutions, nor how we are going to go about achieving them.

Instead, we jot a few things down in a smart phone note, of all the things we would like to accomplish or change in our life and call it a day.

By now it’s mid-January, heading towards the first part of February, you have given up on your New Year’s resolutions and may even start to feel just a little like a failure.

If this scenario sounds like you, don’t beat yourself up too much over the broken resolutions, and here’s why.

Studies show that less than 20 percent of people even keep their resolutions. Plus, breaking New Year’s resolutions might actually be a good thing.

You are only human, I’m sure some of you feel some type of way about breaking your resolutions.


Most psychologists indicate that breaking New Year’s resolutions should not be taken seriously as some people have allowed it to become. Instead, look at your broken New Year’s resolutions as an opportunity to learn a little more about yourself rather than beating yourself up for not sticking to your diet or hitting the gym every day.

Instead of beating yourself up, use your broken New Year’s resolutions as an opportunity to learn more about your habits and your true preferences.

This allows you to fine tune your goals and come up with a plan that is more ‘you’ and more importantly attainable.

Now before I leave you all to get to work on your New Year’s resolutions .....again!

Top Ten Excuses Why You Can’t Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

• You don’t believe in yourself.

• Too much thinking, not enough doing.

• You’re in too much of a hurry.

• You don’t enjoy the process.

• You’re trying too hard.

• You don’t track your progress.

• You have no social support.

• You know your what but not your why.

• You have no social support.

• You know yours, what but not your why.

That’s your story and you are sticking to it!

I’m quite sure you all can spread it around in your broken New Year’s resolutions WhatsApp chat groups for references and motivation.

All right, get up you aren’t hurt, dust yourself off and get back out there.

Carpe Diem!


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