An open letter on nation’s transport

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Dear Prime Minister,

Congratulations on your victory at the recent polls.

I am encouraged to hear of the servant-leader concept of leadership which you have instituted. Well done!

Public Transportation:

I have used public transportation for many years both buses and taxi service and offer an assessment which may assist you in correcting a serious problem we are facing here in New Providence.

Kudos to those drivers who take their job seriously as “Public Service Providers”.

However, unfortunately, there are renegade drivers in the system who need to be reminded of their responsibility, well being and safety of their passengers.


It is a privilege to possess a public service transport licence. As a passenger, I expect drivers to act accordingly. I do not expect my life to be in danger due to reckless and hazardous driving.

Well being

As a passenger, I don’t expect to have to endure obscene abusive language by the driver and his buddies, as well as loud, sexually explicit, violent music. I don’t feel drivers have the right to curse, demean, or speak condescendingly to their passengers.


The grab for every single dollar, causes a myriad of problems. Some passengers have to wait patiently until the driver feels he has enough passengers to warrant his making a move. One woman pleaded recently that she would be late for work. The driver told her off in no uncertain terms. This money grab creates reckless conditions as drivers race at breakneck speed to outrun each other in order to get to certain areas where they anticipate more customers.

Yes, drivers have their concerns as well of customers trying to short them on their fee. And so on.

The system is broken. I suggest you arrange for someone who actually has ridden a bus to be a Transport Minister. Perhaps from time to time a bus ride by someone in Transport may be in order. Try each route to get an accurate assessment of what is really happening on the streets of New Providence. Perhaps a two-way route would be in order for major streets to save the passengers’ time in travelling to and fro. Public suggestions may be requested and analysed.



September 28, 2021.


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