An Easter message from Rt Rev Laish Boyd


THE Rt Rev Laish Boyd, Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of The Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos Islands.

An Easter message from the Rt Rev Laish Boyd, Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of The Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos Islands.

“YOU yourselves are a letter... to be known and read by everyone; and 2 Corinthians 3:2-3 –

AS we celebrate Easter, we recognise that this DAY is about God doing a wonderful thing, raising Jesus from the dead. Easter also represents newness and renewal, God making a way where there is absolutely no way - giving new life and a new start where there is only death or what appears to be other irreversible circumstances.

The power of Easter is found in how much we believe in God and follow Him, in how much we live the fact that God is a game-changer who can do all things. Easter is real for others when God is real for us. What we believe and how we love is the only real testimonial that Easter has - and that God has.

Therefore, here are some things about Easter that we should not forget.

E - Everyone. This Holy Day and what it means is for EVERYONE. Everyone can experience the newness and transforming power of the cross - but we have to tell them about it.

A - All times. Easter is a season for ALL TIMES. In every age, the message of the Gospel is timely and relevant. It never grows old. It never ceases to be a source of strength for those who call upon the name of the risen Christ - but we have to let “those” persons know about it.

S - Someone. Easter is for SOMEONE who feels rejected and downtrodden, and has no hope left. This is the kind of dismal hopelessness that the power of Jesus overturns. It is this life that only God can restore. We must let SOMEONE know that such things are possible.

T - Tell someone. The relevance and integrity of the Gospel often depends on what we have experienced from others who claim to know God, or from communities of people who claim to know God, like the Church. Similarly, others know about God and the Church through knowing us. All of us have the power to TELL the good part of God’s story and of the Church’s story...so let’s do it.

E - Enlighten. The light of the Gospel shines through our lives, our thoughts, words, actions and priorities. If we show love and respect others, they may learn something about God from that. If we feed a hungry person, he/ she may be well-fed enough to forget hunger and to focus on some other things about life...but we have to do the ENLIGHTENING.

R - Rejoice. Let us REJOICE in God’s power and all that God has done for God’s world. Our lives and actions may cause others to look on the bright side and to REJOICE as well.

Easter is about what God has done for the human race - FOR US - and about what we can do for others. Commit to sharing Easter joy today.

Happy Easter from the Anglican Diocese of The Bahamas and The Turks and Caicos Islands!


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