BAISS softball series postponed

INCLEMENT weather brought an abrupt end to the opening day of the BAISS Softball Championships series yesterday at the Freedom Farm Baseball Complex.

When the rain came down forcing umpires to make the call to postpone, both Queen’s College Comets junior teams were in control of their respective games.

The Comets’ junior boys held a 3-0 lead over the Temple Christian Suns in the top of the second inning while the junior girls were dominant with a 10-0 lead over the St Augustine’s Big Red Machine in the top of the first inning.

Tropical storm Nicole is expected to affect The Bahamas this week, therefore, the series will continue next Tuesday, November 15, from their suspended point in game one.

Game twos will follow on November 16 and game threes, if necessary, will be determined at a later date.

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