Marriage Act

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Not wanting to get ahead of the discussion, but with the upcoming third attempt of amending the Marriage Act, we can presume that many of the “i’s” and “t’s” have been crossed and the passing will only be a formality after the planned symposium irons out the kinks.

However, being the sceptic that I am, I suspect that something else will come up that will put a focus on the true target of this exercise. I am looking at a little seven letter word that has been and continues to be a bugaboo for all involved. A word in the Constitution has to be redefined. A similar attempt was made during a previous exercise that would have caused a possible redefinition of the word “sex”, if Bill No. 4 had been passed.

Up until that time sex was male, female or an activity.

The word that will be taking the spotlight is the one upon which the Marital Rape discussion hinges - consent. For these “amendments” to work that word must be redefined or reclassified.

I will pause right here, but in the meantime, I will be discussing with my younger friends who are thinking about marriage, how this new Consent Form will look and if is going to be attached to the Marriage Licence in the future. Sadly, one of those friends has become a bit paranoid about the marriage issue and wants to know if fraud charges can be brought against a wife if she is negligent in her sexual duties if the new act passes.



September 13, 2022.


sheeprunner12 1 year, 7 months ago

The word that really needs to be defined in the new "marraige act" is NO.

What defines NO, when NO is the answer to the statement ......... "Can we have sex"?


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