‘WE OPPOSE ABORTION EVEN IN CASE OF RAPE’: Pastors say they support ‘sanctity of life’ after case involving 11-year-old girl

Mario Moxey, senior pastor of Bahamas Harvest Church. (File photo)

Mario Moxey, senior pastor of Bahamas Harvest Church. (File photo)


Tribune Staff Reporter


AFTER an 11-year-old girl allegedly impregnated by her mother’s boyfriend aborted the baby with pills procured by her mother, two prominent religious leaders said yesterday that many churchgoers still oppose abortion in such circumstances.

National Security Minister Wayne Munroe told The Tribune he expects police to investigate the alleged statutory rape of the 11-year-old girl and the abortion she received, which he said was illegal.

Asked if the case shows why abortion should be legal in some cases, he noted the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) did not commit to changing abortion laws in its pre-election manifesto, the Blueprint for Change.

The episode was a reminder of both the vulnerability of children in a country facing rising sexual assault cases and that abortion is illegal in The Bahamas in all instances except to save the woman’s life.

Reader poll

Do you think abortion should be allowed in cases of rape?

  • Yes 96%
  • No 4%

104 total votes.

Alicia Wallace, director of Equality Bahamas, said given the degree of gender-based violence in The Bahamas, it is “ridiculous and inhumane to expect women or children to suffer through unwanted pregnancies”.

“There is absolutely no reason to criminalise a child or the people who helped her to access critical healthcare that likely saved her life, preventing further physical and mental harm,” she said on Wednesday.

“Survivors ought not suffer additional trauma caused by the action or inaction of the government that fails to prevent violence against them.”

Nonetheless, Mario Moxey, senior pastor of Bahamas Harvest Church, believes the church would oppose legislation to change the status quo on abortion, even in cases of rape.

“We believe in the sanctity of life, and it’s important that we protect the life even in situations where there is rape,” he said. “There is a provision in the law to protect the mother in the event that the pregnancy may endanger a life. When it comes to an abortion for the sake of abortion, absolutely no. We believe in the sanctity of life. God ordains the seed before it is born, every seed is ordained by God and we want to make sure that we protect the righteous seed in the womb.”

“We got to uphold the laws, not try to amend our laws to accommodate these types of violations.”

Reverend Dr Phillip McPhee, the recently appointed leader of the Bahamas Baptist Missionary and Educational Convention (BBMEC), supported his view.

“If you want me to give you my personal view, I don’t think we should take the life of a child,” he said. “Abortion is no unless it is a life or death situation.”


Sickened 11 months, 1 week ago

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ohdrap4 11 months, 1 week ago

I recall headlines years ago about this man talking about demons. May Heavens protect me from these pastors.

To make an 11 yo raise the child resulting from rape endangers her life.

AnObserver 11 months, 1 week ago

If you are over the age of nine, and believe in demons, you might need to be medicated or otherwise placed under medical supervision.

Dawes 11 months, 1 week ago

If there is no abortion allowed then this persons church should be on the frontline volunteering to look after all kids that are therefore born because of this. Highly doubt he will do that though.

Sickened 11 months, 1 week ago

I get the feeling that this guy may have some skin in this? Maybe future plans he doesn't want to see ruined?

ScubaSteve 11 months, 1 week ago

Okay, if the Church is against allowing abortions... then every Church needs to make condoms readily available and FREE to any and everyone. The easiest way to eliminate abortions is to make all types of birth control absolutely FREE and available to anyone, at anytime, no questions asked. Now, naturally, that wouldn't help in the case of a rape. But that is where the big benefit of the morning after pill can help. You have up until 72 hours after sex to take the morning after pill. All rape victims should have FREE and immediate access to the morning after pill. If both of those strategies and options were available -- the instances or need of abortions would almost completely vanish. As a result, the Church would be happy and the general public would be happy. Problem solved. It's not freakin rocket science!!!!!

FreeportFreddy 11 months, 1 week ago

Makes too much sense. These hypocritical 'men of god' would insist that the morning after pill is essentially abortion.

To put the life of an 11 year old at risk by making her deliver a baby is plain and simple CRAZY and inhumane.

JackArawak 11 months, 1 week ago

I'm pretty sure Jesus himself would sentence this man and those who think like him to crucifixion. This is embarrassing.

JokeyJack 11 months, 1 week ago

Exactly. Like Robin Williams once said; "When Jesus returns next time, he's not gonna be a mild mannered carpenter. Heck no !!! He's going to be a sheet metal worker and he's going to be g.d. pissed off !!!"

Robin Williams "Live at the N.Y. Metropolitan Opera"

themessenger 11 months, 1 week ago

This jackass even giving Birdie a push when it comes to stupidity.

Every time I think that the stupidity of some of our people can no longer surprise me, they do, they won't let you down, they won't disappoint you.

ted4bz 11 months, 1 week ago

“My body, my choice.” The church is another one of those demonic and useless organization.

JokeyJack 11 months, 1 week ago

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AnObserver 11 months, 1 week ago

He should have been aborted.

TalRussell 11 months, 1 week ago

....Comrades, imagine the media 'sperm count sensation' --- Awaiting the fallout from the security minister', positioning the policemans' to investigate 'an 11-year-old girl's ---'Abortion.' ---- Which the crown's minister, said was 'illegal.'--- If was first preceded by an investigation into, --- 'illegal' abortions --- of which many females, became impregnated by high profile members of the popoulaces' - Must include those amongst the current and former politically elected, appointed and well stationed. --- Including,but by no means limited to, --- Current and former ranks of the colony's clergymans', lawyers, judiciary and senior policemans'. --- Yes?

bcitizen 11 months, 1 week ago

Get this guy a one way ticket to Afghanistan.

JokeyJack 11 months, 1 week ago

I will personally pay 10%. If you can find 9 more persons like me, then we straight.

Sickened 11 months, 1 week ago

I think a one way fishing trip is better. Why expose this monster to innocent Afghanistan pre-teen girls?

Greentea 11 months, 1 week ago

Moralizing on those who have been brutalised rather than the boyfriend who impregnated the girl- is repugnant. What a f'ed up society this is.

ScullyUFO 11 months, 1 week ago

No male should have a say in the reproductive rights of a female.

Craig 11 months, 1 week ago

Dogmatic beliefs based on books and ancient texts written by MEN purported to have been inspired by god thousands of years ago. No thank you!

rosiepi 11 months, 1 week ago

The leading cause of death in adolescent girls is pregnancy. Girls aged 15-19 are twice as likely to die and those under 15 are 5X more likely to die

The onset of menstruation does not mean their bodies have matured for the rigors of pregnancy and birth, in fact pregnancy directly impairs a child’s growth to maturity. This is why the complication and mortality rate is so high for the adolescent and her infant.

ExposedU2C 11 months, 1 week ago

Talk about an ungodly heathen!

truetruebahamian 11 months, 1 week ago

They are manifestly wrong. Abortion should be allowed despite their arguments. We will look after the Here, he can look after his own Hereafter.

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