'Right track': Gov't push for big GBPA shake-up

PRIME Minister Phillip “Brave” Davis.

PRIME Minister Phillip “Brave” Davis.

  • PM confirms Port talks over 'path to fulfill potential'

  • Amid push for buyer or regulatory power devolution

  • Gov't taking control of city branded 'touchy situation'


Tribune Business Editor


The Prime Minister yesterday said the Government is in talks with the Grand Bahama Port Authority (GBPA) to place Freeport "on the right track" as it pushes for a major shake-up in the city's governance.

Philip Davis KC's comments, in a prepared statement issued through his spokesperson, came in response to Tribune Business inquiries concerning the Government's efforts to effect ownership and leadership changes at the GBPA - either via itself or a private investor(s) buying out the Hayward and St George families, or the hand back of regulatory and quasi-governmental powers to Nassau.

The full statement attributed to the Prime Minister neither confirmed nor denied this, merely saying: "Grand Bahama over the many years has failed to live up to its true promise and potential. And we are are in discussions with the Port Authority for the purposes of identifying a path towards putting Grand Bahama on the right track to enable it to fulfill its full potential and promise."

Rupert Hayward, a member of one of the GBPA's ownership families, could not be reached for comment. However, multiple sources have confirmed to this newspaper that the Davis administration is driving for what some may argue is the biggest transformation in the running of Freeport since its founding treaty, the Hawksbill Creek Agreement, was signed in 1955 with ambitions of creating a city and free trade zone in the northern Bahamas.

Darren Cooper, the Freeport businessman who led last year's protest march to the GBPA's headquarters, told this newspaper yesterday that he had requested a meeting with the Port Authority and its president, Ian Rolle, specifically to address suggestions that the Government is seeking to acquire, or find a buyer, for Freeport's quasi-governmental authority.

"Yes, I've been hearing that," he said. "That's the conversation I had with the president of the Port Authority a couple of days ago. The rumour on the streets needs to be addressed. That is the Government is looking very strongly at removing the Port Authority families and looking at taking over."


Frederick McAlpine

Rev Frederick McAlpine, the former Pineridge MP who was also prominent in last year's march, confirmed to this newspaper he was aware of the discussions surrounding the Port's ownership and Freeport's governance. However, both himself and Mr Cooper were less enthusiastic about the prospect of the Government taking over Freeport's management, with the ex-MP firmly against and the businessman split over "a touchy situation".

"I've never agreed with that," Mr McAlpine said. "I don't believe the Government should take the Port Authority. Not the Government that cannot collect garbage in Nassau. One thing I can say of the Port Authority currently is that they collect garbage on time.

"I'm not interested in the Government of The Bahamas. Do you see the streets in Nassau? Do you see the Family Islands? I'm not looking for the Government or the Government's cronies to acquire it. It will be just like them acquiring it."

Mr Cooper, speaking to the possibility of the GBPA's acquisition by the Government, said: "I'm 50/50 on it. I like the management of the city and the zone management of the Port, but some areas of the Port I'm not in favour of. It's a touchy situation. Let's get rid of the Port and bring in the Government. We've had so much petty politics in the past, so the Government taking control over the Port will be rather touchy because of politics."

Multiple Tribune Business sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, confirmed that the Prime Minister and his administration last year effectively gave the Hayward and St George families an ultimatum to either find a private buyer for their GBPA ownership interests (split 50 percent each) or the Government would find one for them.

Mr Davis and his advisers are understood to have become convinced that drastic change is needed to break the status quo and revive Freeport after a near two-decade decline, given that it is potentially the best source of higher economic growth due to its available land, location and tax-free zone status.

However, this newspaper understands that, while moderating its stance somewhat since the ultimatum, the Government has not given upon on its Freeport ambitions. There is talk that the Government itself may now seek to acquire the GBPA or, more likely due to the Public Treasury's cash-strapped state, seek to gain control of Freeport's regulatory and quasi-governmental functions.

"Brave put an ultimatum on them to find a buyer, and my understanding is that the Port principals were quite concerned about that," one Freeport source said yesterday. However, another contact said the Government appeared to have backed down from any attempt at "strong arming" while the Hayward and St George families explored their options.

"There was clearly pressure on the two families to do some transaction," another source said, "but the Government has rolled back a bit and stepped back from doing it itself." They added that there was "active interest" from the two Port Authority families in securing outside investors and partners, especially when it came to their real estate interests such as Grand Bahama Development Company (DevCO) and Freeport Commercial & Industrial.

And there was also said to be a feeling that, with multiple investments such as Carnival's cruise port, Royal Caribbean's Freeport Harbour plans and Weller Development's Six Senses resort either progressing or on the drawing Board, the GBPA and its owners would be given time to let these come to fruition rather than be subject to government pressure.

"Freeport was most successful when the Government was not involved," one contact added. "It makes no sense." Another prominent Freeport contact, though, said any deal could simply involve the GBPA handing back its regulatory and quasi-governmental powers to Nassau while allowing the families to retain ownership of the key economic assets.

"The Port believes it's not going to be a buy-out. The Port believes it's going to be a hand over of executive control, but they keep the assets. I know the Prime Minister wants to announce it to coincide with the 50th independence celebrations; they want to announce the Bahamianisation of Freeport," the source said.

The GBPA, while described by some as a 'regulatory shell', still possesses considerable powers that include business licensing, building code and environmental enforcement, city management, and the power to levy fees and service charges together with the operation of a free trade zone that offers multiple forms of tax relief.

However, its income-earning assets have been transferred to Port Group Ltd. These include the 50 percent equity stakes in DevCO and the Freeport Harbour Company, likely to be the two families' most valuable assets, together with interests in multiple other companies.

Should the Government seek to take over the GBPA's regulatory powers, one source said it would amount to an "abrogation" of the Hawksbill Creek Agreement and raise multiple legal issues that would have to be addressed. Among these, they added, would be the provision that requires four-fifths (80 percent) of licensees to approve the devolution of quasi-governmental authority to a local government-type entity.

Mr McAlpine, meanwhile, said the problems and challenges that sparked last March's protest still "persist". He blasted: "Grand Bahama is still in the same quagmire, still in the same rut, and the economy is still in the doldrums. What they [the GBPA] have done is a good job of a public relations exercise. They've made themselves more visible in terms of PR.

"Other than that, I think a lot of people are disappointed in the way Grand Bahama is being run, either by the Port or the Government. Period. The reality is things are still the same. I've always said there needs to be a change at the Port Authority and it still lacks the vision we need for investors and investment. The fact that the city has become so dilapidated, you can't put that on the hurricanes. It's a lack of vision.

"There's been a lack of vision coming from the Port Authority for well over 12 years. We're still in the same quagmire. For me, if it's not working why continue doing the same thing if we're going to get the same results? The Government continues to talk the talk but has not been walking the walk. A large number of people are in wait and see mode but time is running out. It's almost been a year," he added.

"I doubt much is going to be done this year. This government is going to be partying all the way to July 10. You can almost write this year off. If it's not happening in Nassau, it's unlikely that it's going to happen in Grand Bahama or anywhere."

There is sufficient blame to go around over Freeport's present plight. The Government has always been reluctant to let Freeport go, fearing it gave too much away via the Hawksbill Creek Agreement, while the GBPA is seen as not having lived up to its governance and development obligations.

Until now, little has been done to move forward with the 2016 Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that was signed between the Government, GBPA and Hutchison Whampoa, which committed the Hayward and St George families to seek out a purchaser of their Port shares.

It also committed the Grand Bahama Development Company (DEVCO) and Freeport Commercial and Industrial, Freeport’s two largest private landowners, to produce a 20-year ‘master plan’ for their holdings by April 26, 2017. And the GBPA agreed to permit two government-appointed directors to its Board “to achieve a more effective working relationship” between Nassau and Freeport, and “vibrant and sustained economic growth” for the latter city.

The Haywards and St Georges also agreed to far-reaching governance reforms, and the potential devolution of some of their quasi-governmental powers/regulatory authority, via their MoU commitments. The agreement committed them to working with the Government to create “a mechanism to ensure the exercise of the regulatory powers and functions vested in the GBPA are consistent with the national policy, regulations and laws of the Bahamas”.


ThisIsOurs 1 year, 6 months ago

"Guyana, the world’s fastest-growing economy, plans to use its newfound oil and gas wealth to fund investments in other sectors that will reduce its dependence on hydrocarbons, its president said."

The government wants to use the revenues from its massive offshore oil deposits to finance investments in mining, tourism, agriculture and other sectors, President Mohamed Irfaan Ali said during a trip to the US." bloomberg.com

So they have a thriving industry that just started booming 5 years ago, their economy is projected to grow 47% but they're not hooting and hollering about how hot it is, theyre investigating ways to iinvest the money in other areas, diversify and protect their natural resources. If they do what they say, good for them, example of a thinking caribbean leadership.

TalRussell 1 year, 6 months ago

I am told FTX Bahamas Sam Bankman-Fried before FTX"s collapse had planned to lead the buyout of the Hayward and St George families to assume the lead role in the quasi-governmental powers currently held by the families in the Grand Bahama Port Authority (GBPA).

I'm also told that retained in the office of premiership (OOP) is a full paper trail that will support this takeover of Freeport claim has been long in the makn' ---- Yes?

longgone 1 year, 6 months ago

The PLP killed Freeport----Now they want to give it CPR?? Please!!

Maximilianotto 1 year, 6 months ago

The list of announcements of unrealized projects is getting longer by each day. So government wants to buy GBPA? And managing as successfully as Bahamasair, W&S? The IMF will ask when coming back soon. Rothschild will shake their heads. Bond investors will simply 👎. GB unfortunately suffering most - Our Lucaya, GBIA with US immigration Lol, 6 Senses? Lol

BMW 1 year, 6 months ago

longgone you hit the nail on the head! SLOP and his bend or break speech. Now a days all the top port peo[le have their own personal agenda.

TalRussell 1 year, 6 months ago

To begin, stating but the established facts.

If all it took was a creation of a Separate Quasi Government with the Powers over Policing and Immigration, the continuous pumping untold millions into Freeport's Port Authority Airport, The Rand Memorial Hospital, The Grand Lucayan Hotel and tourism visitors.    

Well, yes, Freeport's Businesses and Work Opportunities fueled by Popoulaces Explosions' -  would've long grown the Free Port Zone into a true postcard of success.

In just over a period of a few months beginning in July 2000, the Colony's Central Government pumped $600 million on just promoting Freeport to the world, claiming it would enable the rebirth of visitor arrivals to fulfill Freeport's full potential and promise',, ---- Yes?

moncurcool 1 year, 6 months ago

The government cannot take care of west end and east end and yet they want to go after the port in Freeport? Well if that happen then freeport dead just like every other family island the government cannot take care of.

ThisIsOurs 1 year, 6 months ago

if they een gee yuh food you tink they guh gee yuh dirt?" -wise elderly Bahamian

longgone 1 year, 6 months ago

If the Government had stayed to hell outa Freeport it would have taken care of itself and it would the Jewell of the Bahamas it was suppose to be!!

The_Oracle 1 year, 6 months ago

Unfortunately no government administration can be trusted, consistently launch attacks every 5 years on average, and they claim falsely to consult the private sector but never have. IF the government want to "take over" the HCA, they cannot be trusted to not abrogate it. No government has ever understood Freeport, and all have tried to kill it. There are solutions but no administration is capable of finding them on their own.

TalRussell 1 year, 6 months ago

Since the Papa Hubert Ingraham and the Perry Christie administrations as well as during the Dr. Hubert Minnis administration, I've repeatedly raised questions surrounding the mystery as to whatever came of the Shares after Lynden Pindling had negotiated a 7 1/2 percent government shares in the Port Authority?

I'll now try posing to the premiership of "Brave" Davis, the exact very same question surrounding the **mystery of the 7 1/2 percent Share?

But not expecting anything but stone silence or outright denial having such knowledge be forthcoming down from this office of the premiership,(OOP), ---- Yes?

The_Oracle 1 year, 6 months ago

There are those who know where the shares went, but revealing same to what point? Water under the bridge.......

Baha10 1 year, 6 months ago

Can’t believe the term “Bahamianization” has risen like the Phoenix to mark our 50th Anniversary, as it pretty much single handedly doomed our aspirational dreams and culminated in our economic plight today … not to mention literally created and turned Cayman into the Financial Centre power house it is today!

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