‘We’ll see how it plays out’, says Atlantis president - as they wait for the results of a traffic study

ATLANTIS’ president and managing director Audrey Oswell speaks with reporters at the opening of Kings College School, Monday.
Photo: Dante Carrer

ATLANTIS’ president and managing director Audrey Oswell speaks with reporters at the opening of Kings College School, Monday. Photo: Dante Carrer

By Earyel Bowleg

Tribune Staff Reporter


ATLANTIS’ president and managing director Audrey Oswell said the resort will see “how it plays out” after Wendy’s was granted approval for its Paradise Island restaurant.

She said their concern is about the traffic.

Psomi Holdings, an affiliate of Aetos Holdings, the Wendy’s and Marco’s Pizza franchisees, criticized Atlantis last week after approval was granted for the Paradise Island restaurant, saying the resort had masterminded a “meritless, aggressive and self-serving campaign” to block the move.

Pressed on Wendy’s being on Paradise Island as well, Ms Oswell replied: “We’ll see how it plays out. Our concern is traffic. We’re waiting for a traffic study to come back.”

She described the effect on other businesses and the hotel’s staff.

“Our biggest concern is the traffic,” Ms Oswell explained. “There’s already a lack of parking in that shopping centre for the existing businesses and our concern is especially for our team members when they’re coming to and from work that the outgoing roadways onto the bridge are not held up and they’re not backed up due to the lack of parking.”

She further added: “If anybody is familiar with PI and you come out there during shift changes now, you’ll see that there’s a lot of traffic and sometimes it’s backed up for quite some time and we’re just concerned because of the lack of parking that shopping centre already has and the lack of parking at the old Scotia Bank site that it will just back up even more, which is why we, through PIDA, the Paradise Island Tourism Development Association, have engaged a traffic study and we hope to have the results back quickly.”


trueBahamian 8 months, 2 weeks ago

Lol. Is this woman serious? Let's look at the picture. How will there be a major backup of traffic caused by Marcos and Wendy's?

For Wendy's and Marcos to create an issue now, does she expect that people will drive now to PI (paying Bridge toll) in order to get a sandwich or a pizza? Really?! The patrons will.be people who are already there for work or some other reason.

She mentions that there's already a traffic issue. So, how do you differentiate between your existing problem and the increase that you alleging will be caused by Wendy's and Marcos? I guess people going to Scotiabank in the past on Thursdays, Fridays and government payday was fine for them.

Why are they doing a traffic study? They lost the fight. Now they continue to waste people's time with frivolous nonsense. She should focus on resurrecting her failed company. A CEO's job is to bring in as much revenue as possible, minimize expense and increase value for shareholders. Atlantis has turned into a disaster. Stop fighting Miss. Do your job and run your company. Pretend you know what it means to be a CEO.

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