Constitution does not discriminate

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Our Constitution does not discriminate between the genders so why do so many discriminate?

On a Business web site a photo of one of our Ambassadors, guess, yes a woman with the wife of the Prime Minister, again her description/title a misnomer there is no such official position as First lady...oh yes, we love to copy but truth is truth...ain’t such ting so please stop it.

Hope the Bahamian female realises that you are being used by the politicians...they play up to you, try to impress, but it is all fluff.

We have official designated Women’s weeks-months galore still waiting to see a Men’s week or month....this practice is a breach of a fundamental Constitutional Article.

Time we drop this foolishness…all identical…there isn’t a First Lady... males and females are constitutionally equal...thank you Editor.



October 26, 2023.


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