Unfettered press is key to democracy

EDITOR, The Tribune.

One of the surest hallmarks of democracy is a free and unfettered press.

Dictatorships emerge when the press is suppressed and the civil liberties of the general public are curtailed through intimidation, and worse.

Freedom of the press in any country is a signal that the democratic principals are functioning in the best interest of its citizens. This is a thought Prime Minister the Hon Philip Davis should keep in mind when seeking to instruct the Bahamian media on the placement of murder stories in the newspapers.

Already, there is no automatic access to Freedom of Information, and the excuse being used to relegate crime news to the inside pages is, it will be damaging to the tourism economy.

Mr Prime Minister, this directive will not fly. The media will not sit idly and be told what it can and cannot do.

Anthony Capron


The Bahamas Press Club

February 14, 2024


birdiestrachan 3 months ago

Mr Davis made a request he did not direct them there is a difference


trueBahamian 3 months ago

Ok. Lol. Why does a leader of a country make a request to the media and tell them that they must think of their country before putting stories about crime on the front page. Seems a lot stronger than a request. You do realize birdie that anywhere on this planet, in a supposedly democratic country, that doesn't look good, right?

If he makes a request to shutdown the streets, what do you think happens? Last I checked his requests, given his position isn't a request. Maybe a head of state isn't a head of state. Censorship by any other name is still censorship. Let's assume that first world.nations know how to gather Intel. If they do, I'm going to guess they are not looking for the print media to deliver the paper then only look at the front page. Just as this sounds nonsensical, it's just why the reason for his "request" is absurd.


trueBahamian 3 months ago

Today, we say print this there instead of here. Tomorrow it's you can only go here and not there. The day after, it's agree with me or there will be consequences. Dictatorships don't always begin with the iron fists. Idi Amin looked like a man of the people at the beginning.


birdiestrachan 3 months ago

It is my hope that you all know better read what mr Davis said again then there is the one from the looney farm manipulating journalist at least you all on the same page twist things but truth will prevail


trueBahamian 3 months ago

Let's look at the facts shall we? There is a crime problem. What is the solution for this issue? There is excessive spending by this administration and the continued fattening of the public service which is the government's largest expense. So, crime, constant deficits which increases the national debt and the constant downgrading of our credit rating and his biggest concern is where the crime stories appear in the paper? That's some good drugs. If that hit the streets and ee own it we'll be out of the national debt by the end of the week.


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