Serena and Jimmy Norius are competing together

The husband-and-wife team of bodybuilders Serena and Jimmy Norius are preparing for the New York Pro Show this weekend.

The husband-and-wife team of bodybuilders Serena and Jimmy Norius are preparing for the New York Pro Show this weekend.


Chief Sports Editor


AFTER Serena Norius earned her professional bodybuilding card last year, she is finally getting to compete on the same international stage with her husband, Jimmy Norius.

The husband-and-wife team just participated in the NPC Pittsburgh Championships and IFBB Pittsburgh Pro last weekend and now they are preparing for the New York Pro Show this weekend.

In Pittsburgh, Serena Norius made it to the final in her pro debut, while Jimmy Norius didn’t advance in what turned out to be a fiercely contested show that featured eight Olympians.

“It was very impressive of Serena making the final in her first pro show,” Jimmy said of his wife.

Jimmy Norius competed against six Olympians and about 18 women in her class. “So for her to perform at that level of calibre against these seasoned competitors is a milestone. So I’m impressed with her performance.”

Not making any excuses, but Jimmy Norius, who celebrated his 49th birthday on Wednesday, said competing against eight Olympians, the majority of whom are half his age, he felt he did his best, despite the fact that he also competed with a shoulder injury.

“These guys are in a much better position than I am in terms of the quality of food and the access to the gyms is totally different from what we experience in Nassau,” he said.

“The guy who won is from Afghanistan and the guy who got second was from the USA. I just wanted to test the waters. I got my pro card on the elite side and then I got my pro card on the NPC side, so I just want to see how well I can compete.”

Norius, however, said he would prefer competing in the masters category where the competitors he’s facing are over 40 years and they are not as competitive as the younger and more vibrant competitors in the open division.

In New York, Jimmy Norius said Serena Norius is expected to compete against 30 competitors and if she can finish in the middle of the park or even make the final, they will be extremely proud.

‘Jimmy Norius said he’s also looking forward to making his presence felt in New York, hopefully in the masters category.

“It’s all about the experience,” he said. “You won’t know how well you can perform by watching it on youtube or instagram. You have to be on stage against these elite, top notch competitors to see how you will look against them.

“We’re not that far behind these athletes. We just need the gym support in Nassau and the quality of food to eat. You have to be in the right environment and get the right system.

“I was fortunate to get some sponsors to make it here. But being in a place and being there for like six months to train and compete is very hard. So we are appreciative of whatever support we can get.”

The Norius will compete on Saturday and depending on how well they perform, Jimmy Norius said it will determine whether they will stay in the open division or just perform in the masters category.

The show will also prepare the Norius duo for their return to Pittsburgh in September where they will participate in the Masters World Championships in the hopes of getting the spots they deserve in their age group.


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