Harbour traffic needs monitoring

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Once again I am concerned about the state of the Nassau Harbour.

This is one of the most naturally perfect harbours in the world. Protected from the north and south by land and west and east with narrow inlets.

Unfortunately, however, it is not protected from humans.

24 hours a day there are boats of all sizes running through the harbour at full speed. Not only is this dangerous to themselves and other boats, but to people walking on any of the many floating docks that line the northern and southern shores. Jet skiis dart in and out of marinas and travelling boats and tour vessels with alarming frequency and speed. This is crazy.

Not to mention damage to boats tied up in all of the marinas which contribute to our economy in so many ways. Five foot waves in a marina should not be tolerated much less in the harbour itself. This is probably the only harbour in the world where this happens!

Police boats and RBDF boats used to monitor the harbour traffic, but they disappeared many years ago. Why?

The Port Director says nothing - mind you this is the same port department that recommended a seaplane landing base in the middle of Montagu Bay. Thankfully that was overturned.

But why is there absolutely no monitoring of harbour traffic?

Recently the licence fees for boats increased from $40 a year for a 25ft pleasure craft to $270! We would not mind paying the new fee if the harbour was free of these speeding maniacs, but again the Port remains silent.

I can't even begin to describe the garbage and oil and gas floating around in the harbour. We have something beautiful in our natural harbour, but are destroying it quickly.

In the past two weeks my boat, tied up at a marina, has received substantial damage from some of these big waves as have other boats.

Please reinstate the police patrols!



May 21, 2024.


truetruebahamian 3 weeks ago

YES, Leslie Fraser thank you for a letter that underlines the urgency of this situation. Those who are causing this havoc are by their actions criminals and more than likely have the same reckless and uncaring attitudes on our roads. Those responsible for policing and enforcing should do their jobs and NOT be paid until this behavior is under control and that control maintained. Let’s do this. Yours, Robert Sands.

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