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Dionisio D'Auguilar

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Businessman raises concerns about quality of BTC service

A PROMINENT businessman yesterday raised concerns about BTC’s quality of service amid the attention being given to the new deal between Cable & Wireless Communications (CWC) and the government.

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Leading businessman calls for gov't to divest BEC controlling interest

A LEADING businessman and former Bahamas Electricity Corporation (BEC) director warned yesterday that country’s major electricity supplier would “never turn the corner” unless the Government divests its controlling interest.

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VAT phase-in urged to avoid 'convulsions'

A prominent businessman has called for a 15 per cent Value-Added Tax (VAT) to be phased-in over six years, warning that implementing it in one go would cause “an enormous shock to the system”.

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Tax policy changes cause 'major angst'

Constant tax policy changes are causing “an enormous amount of angst” in the Bahamian business community, the Government has been warned, causing many businesses to ‘sit on the fence’ and postpone expansion plans.

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Business Licence rises 'discourage' firms from growing

The Government’s Business Licence fee reforms will act as a disincentive for Bahamas-based companies to expand and become “bigger”, a well-known businessman has warned.

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Better service key to reaching GB potential

FORMER Chamber of Commerce president Dionisio D’Aguilar suggested at a recent Grand Bahama Chamber of Commerce meeting that better service in the tourism sector would go a long way to help the island of Grand Bahama reach its full potential.


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