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VDSheep 10 years, 8 months ago on Govt moving forward with VAT says PM

Sure government has to pay off money loaned by IMF, world bank etc. The bankers are telling government: this is what you need to do to pay your debt. Albeit most of the debt is from the previous administration’s borrowing to build infrastructure roads airport etc. Most countries are indebted to central banks or international banks.; all of which the major shareholders are the oligarchic plutocrats whose vision is for a new world order - a world order that they will control. The VAT tax is a template of Briton; whereas we see how degrading its effect is on Briton today. VAT tax is a cumulative degrading compounded tax that will burden 99% of Bahamians. It will further dis-empower the working class in this country or any country. This pseudo policy is to raise funds for overspending by governments that are in the grips of the bankers - the real vampires of capitalism. Thus governments are their gatekeepers that herds the masses to the slaughter. Let us protest to give up VAT, and set up an income tax system - based on justice if they would be truthful. This is a strategy to make the Bahamas like Haiti, Jamaica and Cuba etc.; our dollar being tied to the US dollar will finally become obsolete in less than ten years thereafter!

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VDSheep 11 years, 7 months ago on VDSheep

The national crime is when the Bahamas abstained on the vote at the UN yesterday to elect Palestine as an observer member state. The abstention by the Bahamas puts us on the wrong side of history. That decision is not local - realizing Bahamians were a colonized and oppressed people too. The foreign minister ought to explain why the Bahamas took that position.