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Sebas shuts Aeropost business

SEBAS Bastian last night said his Aeropost logistics business is closing its Bahamas operations because this is the only one of its 30-plus territories “where we did not experience material growth”.

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Pintard’s ‘bold’ plan after landslide win

AFTER comprehensively defeating former Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis at the FNM’s one-day convention on Saturday, Michael Pintard promised to make “bold” transformative changes if the party is returned to power at the next general election – vowing to reform land policies, reduce taxes, and improve the ease of doing business in the country.

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Survivor of HMBS Flamingo sinking homeless after fire destroys his home

A SURVIVOR of the HMBS Flamingo attack and his family have been left homeless after a fire destroyed their home over the weekend - and the family is appealing for donations to help rebuild their home of 40-plus years.

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