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TEAM BAHAMAS SET FOR OLYMPIC QUALIFIER: Selected to play in Group B in Valencia, Spain

As they all watched the FIBA Olympic Qualifying Tournaments 2024 draw unfold on Monday, assistant coach Moses Johnson said they are thrilled with the pool the Bahamas national men’s basketball team was placed in.

Resort to Gov’t: ‘Pursue’ horse riding venture like shanty towns

A MAJOR Harbour Island resort yesterday urged the Government to “aggressively pursue” a local horse riding entrepreneur’s “unauthorised construction” with the same vigour as its shanty town crackdown.

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UPDATED: Grand Bahama woman who went missing at Miami International Airport found alive and well

UPDATE: The Bahamas Consulate General Miami Office has confirmed that Merlyn Cooper, a 78-year-old Grand Bahama resident who went missing at the Miami International Airport Sunday evening, has been found alive and well.

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