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A PINEWOOD Gardens man was arraigned before two Magistrates yesterday morning on various charges, including housebreaking and possession of drugs with intent to supply. Damal Campbell, 27, first appeared before Deputy Chief Magistrate Carolita Bethell in

Teenage mother birth rate down 14% in 40 years

Teenage mother birth rate down 14% in 40 years THE BAHAMAS recorded a significant decrease in births to teen mothers over the last four decades, according to a new report. The Department of Statistics study said births to teenagers have dropped by 14 pe

Pair on remand over fraud charges

By LAMECH JOHNSON A LATIN American woman and an American man are on remand at Her Majesty's Prison after the former admitted to committing more than $80,000 worth of credit card fraud. Lunaite Paulmerie, 28, of Brazil, was ch

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