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Town Planning rejected Lyford Cay condo advice

Lyford Cay residents will today bid to block a controversial condo project, which speculation previously linked to FTX, after planning authorities approved the doubling of its height beyond that recommended by their technical advisers.

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Albany chief in 'devastating and self-inflicted humiliation'

Albany's principal investor has admitted that pleading guilty to securities fraud is "a devastating and self-inflicted humiliation I will have to live with for the rest of my days".


Comments on marital rape issue

I read with consternation (but not surprise) the remarks of Evangelist Rex Major on the impending marital rape legislation at the recent ecumenical service celebrating The Bahamas’ 50th anniversary of independence. A few of his remarks caught my attention:

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Marshal asks court to reject police appeal

THE marshal of the Coroner’s Court asked a Supreme Court judge yesterday to reject police officers’ efforts to appeal last year’s homicide by manslaughter finding in the killing of Azario Major.

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Judge upholds ruling in Azario inquest

A SUPREME Court judge has upheld the Coroner Court's homicide by manslaughter finding in the case of Azario Major, dismissing a constitutional motion from the lawyer of the officers who killed Major outside Woody’s Bar on Fire Trial Road on December 26, 2021.

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Court of Appeal upholds sentence for woman charged with murder

THE Court of Appeal upheld the 42-year prison sentence of a Jamaican woman who fatally stabbed her girlfriend in 2018.


Praises for ‘new day’ government

2023 was a game changing year and one of the literal resurrection of The Bahamas.


Bahamas suffers 3,000 gap over trademark applications

Bahamians made 3,000 more trademark protection applications abroad than at home during the five years to 2022, it has been been revealed, with government income from the sector "stagnant" for a decade.

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50% 'grease the wheels' bribe findings accurate

The Bahamian Contractors Association's (BCA) president says findings that almost half of firms seeking construction permits are asked, or expect, to pay a bribe are "accurate" amid a "grease the wheels" culture.

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Digital court reporting system officially relaunched

THE Bahamas judiciary officially relaunched its digital court reporting system on Friday.

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Contractor for $90m prison complex named

NATIONAL Security Minister Wayne Munroe said the contractor for the new corrections and related facilities is Walker’s Industries –– though the bidding process for the project remains unclear.

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PM: Renewable plan clear strategy

PRIME Minister Philip “Brave” Davis said the government’s plan to develop renewable energy on Family Islands is a “clear economic strategy” to give Bahamians affordable power.


Parents and children

I DO not claim to be a modern day sage, a living oracle, or an expert on anything, but if you are having problems with your child or children, then the problem is with you and not the child, because as a parent you have failed that child.

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‘Atlantis was never against the Royal Caribbean Project’, says resort president

ATLANTIS president Audrey Oswell said the resort is happy that Royal Caribbean International’s Paradise Island project has been given the go-ahead now that all environmental concerns have been addressed, adding: “Atlantis was never against the Royal Caribbean project.”


Top attorneys battle on Sir Jack’s Butler’s $83k costs

Two leading attorneys are locked in a furious battle over $83,000 in taxed legal costs stemming from court cases involving Sir Jack Hayward’s late Bahamian butler.

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PI resort proposal expands units 46%

The former Paradise Harbour Club’s proposed redevelopment is being expanded to a seven-storey hotel featuring a 46 percent increase in units compared to earlier plans.

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Court of Appeal denies govt appeal in matter of former officer in wrongful arrest case

THE Court of Appeal refused to grant the government leave to appeal to the Privy Council after the courts found that a former police officer was entitled to damages because he was wrongfully arrested and detained by his colleagues in 2016.


Tax environment ‘worrisome’ for Bahamas-keen investors

A SENIOR accountant yesterday suggested The Bahamas should "pause" to assess whether its tax structure and mooted reforms are making the jurisdiction sufficiently attractive to investors.

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Women react to Privy Council ruling on citizenship for children born out of wedlock

WHEN April Finlayson’s fifth application for Bahamian citizenship went nowhere, the Harvard-educated neuroscientist left The Bahamas “in grief and despair” to establish a life in the United States.


Contractor awarded $63,000 in multi-million Palm Cay fight

A major eastern New Providence development has been ordered to pay a former contractor $63,047 after an acrimonious battle involving competing claims over breaches of two multi-million building contracts.