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FRONT PORCH: The values and habits we live by

CULTURABLE habits and practices showcase the lived values of a given society. The mouthing of values is not the same as adhering to them. By example, while we adhere to the concept of monogamy in law and in Christian rituals, sociologically, we are a de facto polygamous society.


“I don’t write songs, I hear Heaven” - Up-and-coming gospel artist finds success with first single

She has always been a worshipper at heart, so it was only natural for Frankelle Outten to choose the genre of gospel when she decided to become a singer.

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Sale mulled for ‘crown jewel’ of Great Exuma

A sale is being explored for a development described as “the crown jewel of Great Exuma” but which has “stagnated” over the past decade and failed to live up to its promise.

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THE KDK REPORT: The vanishing sun

THE recent solar eclipse lasted just four minutes. During those four minutes, many parts of the world were cast into total darkness and, collectively, we were all reminded of the awe and mystery of this planet. In those moments, I couldn’t help but wonder what our ancestors thought of such a phenomenon. One can safely assume they didn’t have safety eyewear to protect their confused gazes as the day’s light suddenly disappeared without explanation. They also didn’t have the comfort of knowing that the acute darkness was fleeting. So, while four minutes for us felt short and we wished it could last longer. For them it must have been terrifyingly long.

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Government’s indifference over inequality and rights

THE latest ridiculous statement by the prime minister quickly made the rounds at the end of last week, drawing responses indicative of disbelief, annoyance, and confusion.

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Five ways to reduce inflammation quickly

Chronic inflammation is one of the most insidious causes of disease in modern society. Certain lifestyle factors increase inflammation and as a result our cells lose the capacity to function at peak performance. The result is the slow deterioration of health that often leads to full-blown diseases like autoimmunity and cancer. In this article, you will discover five ways to reduce inflammation quickly!
