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Four killed in plane crash

THE tragic death of two American couples in a plane crash ripped through the small community of Treasure Cay yesterday.

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Environmentalists say no to Oban plan for oil refinery

A HOST of environmental groups have formed an alliance to appeal to the government to reject moves for offshore drilling and to abandon the planned Oban oil refinery in Grand Bahama.Non-profit organisation Save the Bays (STB), along with the newly f

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URCA demands Cable Bahamas pull political ad

THE Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority has ordered Cable Bahamas Limited to immediately cease and desist from broadcasting a political advertisement of Progressive Liberal Party Leader Philip “Brave” Davis that has been showing on its channels.

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Final stage of bidding for cellular licence begins

AFTER a five-month delay, the final phase of the selection process for the country’s second mobile services provider has begun, the Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority announced yesterday.


Are cruise ship sick heading here?

THE United States Coast Guard has told foreign-flagged cruise ships to be prepared to care for people with COVID-19 for an uncertain period of time at sea or seek help from countries in which they are registered.

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PETER YOUNG: Tumultuous year and passing of a statesman

SINCE this column is mainly about international affairs, it might be appropriate at the beginning of January to attempt a brief broad brush review of the year and offer some thoughts about the coming months in what has become a crisis-ridden world. But I fear that in today’s state of febrile uncertainty it would be hazardous to try to predict even the immediate future.

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‘Ride For Reine’ Trail-a-thon a success

TWENTY young riders mounted up and hit the trails with enthusiasm this past Sunday as a part of the “Ride For Reine” Trail-a-thon to raise funds on behalf of Reine Pagliaro.

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Equestrian Bahamas growing vibrantly by leaps and bounds

SINCE the formation of the Equestrian Bahamas after the defunct of the BANEF, president Catherine Ramsingh-Pierre and her executive team have been working arduously to make the sport one of the more vibrant ones in the country.


Brian Dugue

Celebration Service in Recognition, Acknowledgement, Appreciation, of the Legacy and Many Profound Memories of the Late Mr. Brian Dugue age 13 of Plantol Street, East Street service will be held on Saturday March 16th, 2019 at 11:00am at East Street …


Agriculture policy to emphasise buyer links

Small Bahamian producers and livestock developers must have secure access to regional and international markets, the Minister of Agriculture said yesterday, adding that “connecting buyers to sellers” was central to the the Bahamas’ Agriculture Policy Programme (APP).

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Sides differ on oil hearing

An oil explorer and its opponents have given sharply different versions of the Christmas Eve legal battle that set up today’s hearing on the Judicial Review challenge to halt its exploratory drilling.

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TOUGH CALL: What Bahamians are discussing on social media

SEVERAL recent posts on my Facebook page discussed topical issues and generated some interesting responses, which I share here.

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TOUGH CALL: Why Trump won and what it could mean for The Bahamas

One thing is for certain - there has been no shortage of analysis from every quarter on why Donald Trump won the US presidential election.


URCA: BTC cell monopoly 'rare'

URCA: BTC cell monopoly 'rare' By NEIL HARTNELL Tribune Business Editor While conceding that the Bahamas Telecommunications Company's (BTC) ongoing cellular monopoly was "increasingly rare", the industry regulator has rejected Cable Bahamas' urging that


No consumer respite despite inflation ease

As the tide of inflation in The Bahamas seems to be ebbing, it prompts reflection on what this means for the average Bahamian’s wallet.


Video games usually are one of the biggest varieties of amusement in existence. They've also been essentially the most costly …


URCA seeks to shorten reconnection time

THE Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority wants to shorten the time communications service providers have to reconnect the services of people who are wrongfully disconnected or were disconnected because of non-payment.

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TOUGH CALL: When parliamentary privilege was on the other foot

According to Fred ‘This is War’ Mitchell, he will not be bound by any court of law when it comes to what he considers to be his unqualified right to say and do whatever he pleases in Parliament.

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Gov't joins BPC in opposing oil Judicial Review

Environmental activists yesterday accused the Government of "jumping the gun" after it filed legal papers opposing their bid to halt oil exploration in Bahamian waters.

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Junior Jumpers put their skills to the test

Junior Jumper riders put their skills to the test at the Equestrian Bahamas Jumper Show I at Mariposa Stables on Sunday.