All results / Stories / Ava Turnquest


By AVA TURNQUEST Tribune Staff Reporter THE Bahamas Mortgage Corporation was headed to bankruptcy as a result of "reckless lending habits" under the PLP administration, chairman Dr Duane Sands said yesterday. Dr Sands said tha


By AVA TURNQUEST Tribune Staff Reporter THE Bahamas Mortgage Corporation was headed to bankruptcy as a result of "reckless lending habits" under the PLP administration, chairman Dr Duane Sands said yesterday. Dr Sands said tha


By AVA TURNQUEST Tribune Staff Reporter THE Bahamas Mortgage Corporation was headed to bankruptcy as a result of "reckless lending habits" under the PLP administration, chairman Dr Duane Sands said yesterday. Dr Sands said tha

Sir Durward improving

Sir Durward improving THE health of prominent Bahamian Sir Durward Knowles was said to have made a slight improvement in hospital yesterday. Sir Durward, 94, was admitted to hospital suffering from pneumonia last week. A family friend said the former Oly

Delay over $100 millionfraud ruling

Delay over $100 millionfraud ruling By LAMECH JOHNSON Tribune Staff Reporter A MAGISTRATE delayed her ruling in a $100 million attempted fraud case yesterday to inquire from Supt Elliston Rahming why prison officers disobeyed

Trio accused of accused of defrauding bank of cash are granted bail

Trio accused of accused of defrauding bank of cash are granted bail By LAMECH JOHNSON Tribune Staff Reporter THREE men arraigned in Magistrate's Court yesterday in connection with defrauding a local bank of cash, one of them ac

Murderer to hear fate tomorrow after death sentence overturned

Murderer to hear fate tomorrow after death sentence overturned By LAMECH JOHNSON Tribune Staff Reporter MURDER convict Maxo Tido will reappear in the Supreme Court tomorrow morning for resentencing, more than half a year after

Trio accused of accused of defrauding bank of cash are granted bail

Trio accused of accused of defrauding bank of cash are granted bail By LAMECH JOHNSON Tribune Staff Reporter THREE men arraigned in Magistrate's Court yesterday in connection with defrauding a local bank of cash, one of them ac

Murderer to hear fate tomorrow after death sentence overturned

Murderer to hear fate tomorrow after death sentence overturned By LAMECH JOHNSON Tribune Staff Reporter MURDER convict Maxo Tido will reappear in the Supreme Court tomorrow morning for resentencing, more than half a year after

Trio accused of accused of defrauding bank of cash are granted bail

Trio accused of accused of defrauding bank of cash are granted bail By LAMECH JOHNSON Tribune Staff Reporter THREE men arraigned in Magistrate's Court yesterday in connection with defrauding a local bank of cash, one of them ac

Murderer to hear fate tomorrow after death sentence overturned

Murderer to hear fate tomorrow after death sentence overturned By LAMECH JOHNSON Tribune Staff Reporter MURDER convict Maxo Tido will reappear in the Supreme Court tomorrow morning for resentencing, more than half a year after

Trio accused of accused of defrauding bank of cash are granted bail

Trio accused of accused of defrauding bank of cash are granted bail By LAMECH JOHNSON Tribune Staff Reporter THREE men arraigned in Magistrate's Court yesterday in connection with defrauding a local bank of cash, one of them ac

Murderer to hear fate tomorrow after death sentence overturned

Murderer to hear fate tomorrow after death sentence overturned By LAMECH JOHNSON Tribune Staff Reporter MURDER convict Maxo Tido will reappear in the Supreme Court tomorrow morning for resentencing, more than half a year after

Trio accused of accused of defrauding bank of cash are granted bail

Trio accused of accused of defrauding bank of cash are granted bail By LAMECH JOHNSON Tribune Staff Reporter THREE men arraigned in Magistrate's Court yesterday in connection with defrauding a local bank of cash, one of them ac

Murderer to hear fate tomorrow after death sentence overturned

Murderer to hear fate tomorrow after death sentence overturned By LAMECH JOHNSON Tribune Staff Reporter MURDER convict Maxo Tido will reappear in the Supreme Court tomorrow morning for resentencing, more than half a year after

delay in ruling over change of plea

delay in ruling over change of plea By LAMECH JOHNSON Tribune Staff Reporter A SUPREME Court judge delayed her change-of-plea ruling in the case of disbarred attorney Ralph Jan Ward, who pleaded guilty to stealing nearly $2 mil

delay in ruling over change of plea

delay in ruling over change of plea By LAMECH JOHNSON Tribune Staff Reporter A SUPREME Court judge delayed her change-of-plea ruling in the case of disbarred attorney Ralph Jan Ward, who pleaded guilty to stealing nearly $2 mil

Crime, overpayments and shoddy work blamed as construction costs triple

By AVA TURNQUEST Tribune Staff Reporter CONSTRUCTION costs for a government complex skyrocketed to more than triple the initially contracted sum as a result of "defective work", overpayments, and suspected criminal activity, a

PM: FNM delivering on urban renewal

PM: FNM delivering on urban renewal By LAMECH JOHNSON Tribune Staff Reporter PRIME Minister Hubert Ingraham last night said the Free National Movement is delivering Bahamians a better new version of Urban Renewal than the upgra

'We don't know how to handle small business'

'We don't know how to handle small business' By NATARIO McKENZIE Tribune Business Reporter A Bahamian small and medium-sized business development agency should have been created 20 years ago, a local entrepreneur said yesterda