All results / Stories / Eileen Carron

Slow down and live

EDITOR, The Tribune. The commissioner of police recently presented his yearly report to the press. The report stated that there have been 276 traffic fatalities in the Bahamas over the last six years. This is an average of 46 fatalities per year. This is

Strike that stirred the nation

LAST Friday marked the 54th anniversary of the 1958 general strike, one of the seminal events of the modern Bahamas. On January 13 of that year, hundreds of public and private sector workers walked off their jobs, shutting down New Providence for almost t

The Bishop and his 'message' from God

The Bishop and his 'message' from God WE KNOW times are tough and that today managers have to think "outside the box" to raise revenue, but no one can match the genius of a bishop who Monday night filled his church and collection plate by promising to


BISHOP ELLIS IS RIGHT - SOCIAL ILLS MEAN DESTRUCTION IN THIS column yesterday, we jested about Bishop Neil Ellis' theatrical announcement of how, as God's chosen messenger, he was sent to warn Bahamians that the world's three greatest vices, in the form

Pinder back in role

EDITOR, The Tribune. As a resident of Spanish Wells I have waited now for a week to see if any of the PLP loudmouths and some Internet site called Bahamas Press - who carried on in the media and also in Parliament back in July about the fact that they ha


DON'T LISTEN TO THE MESSENGERS OF DOOM THE SOUND bites being fired off by opposition politicians over the collapse of the Kerzner agreement with its Brookfield creditor gives the impression that they are intent -- in order to deal a mortal political blow

Obama speech puts him in campaign arena

Obama speech puts him in campaign arena President Barack Obama, having watched his Republican adversaries pound him for weeks, got his turn Tuesday, using his State of the Union speech to land the first major counterpunch of the still-forming 2012 electi

Obama speech puts him in campaign arena

Obama speech puts him in campaign arena President Barack Obama, having watched his Republican adversaries pound him for weeks, got his turn Tuesday, using his State of the Union speech to land the first major counterpunch of the still-forming 2012 electi

Obama speech puts him in campaign arena

Obama speech puts him in campaign arena President Barack Obama, having watched his Republican adversaries pound him for weeks, got his turn Tuesday, using his State of the Union speech to land the first major counterpunch of the still-forming 2012 electi

Obama speech puts him in campaign arena

Obama speech puts him in campaign arena President Barack Obama, having watched his Republican adversaries pound him for weeks, got his turn Tuesday, using his State of the Union speech to land the first major counterpunch of the still-forming 2012 electi

LIAT - time for regional action

By Sir Ronald Sanders THE three main shareholder governments in LIAT - the airline that is vital to movement of tourists and local alike in the Caribbean - are scheduled to meet on January 31 to consider options for the airline which lost US$14.8 million

25 nations to sign treaty to stop overspending

25 nations to sign treaty to stop overspending All countries in the European Union, except Britain and the Czech Republic, agreed Monday to sign up to a new treaty designed to stop overspending in the eurozone and put an end to the bloc's crippling debt


Your Say By RALPH J MASSEY A DRAFT of the following was delivered at a Milton Friedman commemoration at the Nassau Institute on January 27. Dr Milton Friedman's teaching career began at the University of Chicago in 1947 and ended in 1977 when he began

Where are businesses in Caribbean business?

Where are businesses in Caribbean business? By Sir Ronald Sanders THE countries of the Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM), with the exception of Guyana and Suriname, are each experiencing severe decline in their economies. The small Leeward

Obama faces host of election-year constraints

Obama faces host of election-year constraints Missile defence isn't the only area in which President Barack Obama will have "more flexibility" if he's re-elected. Immigration, the Canada-to-Texas oil pipeline, gay marriage, tax policy and other issues co

The audacity of greed

EDITOR, The Tribune. Did my eyes deceive me or did I really see the headline "PLP Hopeful Backs Oil Exploration" in Thursday's paper? Does Leslie Miller really think we have forgotten about his dubious trail of misdeeds when it comes to energy in The Bah

Let's talk about Arawak, why not Clifton?

Let's talk about Arawak, why not Clifton? "LET'S TALK about the new container port at Arawak Cay," was Opposition leader Perry Christie's invitation to his supporters at Clifford Park Friday night. In this column today, we shall take Mr Christie up on hi

The struggle for a free press in the Bahamas

The struggle for a free press in the Bahamas TRIBUNE staff are probably wondering today why we devoted a whole page to mark World Press Freedom day with a general election only two more publishing days away and every inch of space needed for election new


By PACO NUNEZ Tribune News Editor BAHAMIANS don't like people who 'ain like us'. Not that we're all very similar - nothing could be further from the truth - but most of us enjoy basking in the warmth and security of shared beliefs and opinions, whatever


By PACO NUNEZ Tribune News Editor BAHAMIANS don't like people who 'ain like us'. Not that we're all very similar - nothing could be further from the truth - but most of us enjoy basking in the warmth and security of shared beliefs and opinions, whatever