All results / Stories / Eileen Carron

It's only protocol - nothing sinister in the visit

It's only protocol - nothing sinister in the visit HOPEFULLY, it has by now been established that Haitian President Martelly's brief stop-over in Nassau last week on his way to Mexico was neither at the invitation of the FNM government, nor was it an off

Women's struggles in the Bahamas

Women's struggles in the Bahamas By JANET BOSTWICK IN the general elections in the Colony of The Bahama Islands in 1949, Mr Rufus Ingraham, the Member of Parliament for Inagua for two years, lost his bid to be re-elected. His wife, Mrs Mary Ingraham, t

PM Ingraham and his biting sarcasm

PM Ingraham and his biting sarcasm THERE WAS excitement in Grand Bahama when in a jocular remark -- which translated meant that the PLP's election promises will happen "when chickens grow teeth!" - Prime Minister Ingraham remarked: "Down in West End Mr S

PM Ingraham and his biting sarcasm

PM Ingraham and his biting sarcasm THERE WAS excitement in Grand Bahama when in a jocular remark -- which translated meant that the PLP's election promises will happen "when chickens grow teeth!" - Prime Minister Ingraham remarked: "Down in West End Mr S


FUNERAL services for Father Theophile Brown, O.S.B., former Prior of St Augustine's Monastery and teacher at St Augustine's College, were held Friday morning at Mary Mother of the Church Benedictine Abbey, in Richmond, Virginia. Interment followed in the
