All results / Stories / Eileen Carron

Does witchcraft exist in the straw market?

EDITOR, The Tribune. Since time immemorial, there have been rumours of unusual practices and behaviour in the straw market. There have been strange and unusual scents witnessed and experienced by others to be directed to or concentrated around the stal

Montagu foreshore earns praise for government

IT'S not often that professional critics like Tough Call feel the need to offer kudos to those in office. After all, they can draw on the multiple resources of the state (including a $2.5 million-a-year "information service") to stroke themselves. And hop

Montagu foreshore earns praise for government

IT'S not often that professional critics like Tough Call feel the need to offer kudos to those in office. After all, they can draw on the multiple resources of the state (including a $2.5 million-a-year "information service") to stroke themselves. And hop

Montagu foreshore earns praise for government

IT'S not often that professional critics like Tough Call feel the need to offer kudos to those in office. After all, they can draw on the multiple resources of the state (including a $2.5 million-a-year "information service") to stroke themselves. And hop

Airport issues must be addressed

THIS TIME, next week a new Government of the Bahamas will have been elected.

Britons cry for return of death penalty

Britons cry for return of death penalty WHILE the Bahamas government, in an attempt to crack down on crime, this year made life sentences for murder mean just that -- "the remaining years of a convicted person's life" - there was an uproar in England when


COMPARE NORTH ABACO WITH FARM ROAD EDITOR, The Tribune. There have been many occasions where both Rt. Hon. Prime Minister Hubert Alexander Ingraham and Perry Christie talked about their political careers running parallel. They also talked about havin


COMPARE NORTH ABACO WITH FARM ROAD EDITOR, The Tribune. There have been many occasions where both Rt. Hon. Prime Minister Hubert Alexander Ingraham and Perry Christie talked about their political careers running parallel. They also talked about havin

Desperation compromises integrity

Desperation compromises integrity EDITOR, The Tribune. The mistake made by Perry Christie to select Perry Gomez as a candidate was literally confessed by the Archbishop of the Anglican Church Drexel Gomez's presence. It was an admission that the seat is

Does witchcraft exist in the straw market?

EDITOR, The Tribune. Since time immemorial, there have been rumours of unusual practices and behaviour in the straw market. There have been strange and unusual scents witnessed and experienced by others to be directed to or concentrated around the stal

Let's talk about Arawak, why not Clifton?

Let's talk about Arawak, why not Clifton? "LET'S TALK about the new container port at Arawak Cay," was Opposition leader Perry Christie's invitation to his supporters at Clifford Park Friday night. In this column today, we shall take Mr Christie up on hi

Greek austerity meeting postponed again

Greek austerity meeting postponed again Greece's prime minister negotiated late into the night Tuesday with the country's international creditors, finalizing a proposal for new austerity measures to avoid a disastrous bankruptcy. Prime Minister Lucas Pap

PLP failed to deliver in its frame

PLP failed to deliver in its frame EDITOR, The Tribune. I have heard many refer to election time as "silly season". But I only thought it was because the level of propaganda would escalate to extreme proportions. I have seen easily verifiable facts mis

Why the hold-up in turning college into a university?

RECENTLY, I caught the tail-end of a polite rant on JCN-TV by College of the Bahamas professor Nicollette Bethel. She was lamenting the fact that the College's move towards university status has stalled, threatening dire consequences for the future of the

Why the hold-up in turning college into a university?

RECENTLY, I caught the tail-end of a polite rant on JCN-TV by College of the Bahamas professor Nicollette Bethel. She was lamenting the fact that the College's move towards university status has stalled, threatening dire consequences for the future of the

Why the hold-up in turning college into a university?

RECENTLY, I caught the tail-end of a polite rant on JCN-TV by College of the Bahamas professor Nicollette Bethel. She was lamenting the fact that the College's move towards university status has stalled, threatening dire consequences for the future of the


By PACO NUNEZ Tribune news editor IT is generally accepted that the use of law enforcement to intimidate or suppress political rivals is the sign of an authoritarian government. Talk of secret police units invokes sinister nightmares from the past - the

America wrestling with changing notions of race

By HOPE YEN Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) - When the 2010 census asked people to classify themselves by race, more than 21.7 million - at least 1 in 14 - went beyond the standard labels and wrote in such terms as "Arab," "Haitian," "Mexican" and "mu

Fears grow of Israeli attack on Iran

Fears grow of Israeli attack on Iran For the first time in nearly two decades of escalating tensions over Iran's nuclear programme, world leaders are genuinely concerned that an Israeli military attack on the Islamic Republic could be imminent -- an actio

Afghanistan increasingly looks like Iraq

Afghanistan increasingly looks like Iraq Afghanistan is not Iraq, US officials have been fond of saying from the first days of Barack Obama's presidency. The difference, they said, was that one war Obama inherited, in Afghanistan, was worth fighting whil