All results / Stories / Eileen Carron

PM Ingraham and his biting sarcasm

PM Ingraham and his biting sarcasm THERE WAS excitement in Grand Bahama when in a jocular remark -- which translated meant that the PLP's election promises will happen "when chickens grow teeth!" - Prime Minister Ingraham remarked: "Down in West End Mr S

PM Ingraham and his biting sarcasm

PM Ingraham and his biting sarcasm THERE WAS excitement in Grand Bahama when in a jocular remark -- which translated meant that the PLP's election promises will happen "when chickens grow teeth!" - Prime Minister Ingraham remarked: "Down in West End Mr S

Slow down and live

EDITOR, The Tribune. The commissioner of police recently presented his yearly report to the press. The report stated that there have been 276 traffic fatalities in the Bahamas over the last six years. This is an average of 46 fatalities per year. This is

Slow down and live

EDITOR, The Tribune. The commissioner of police recently presented his yearly report to the press. The report stated that there have been 276 traffic fatalities in the Bahamas over the last six years. This is an average of 46 fatalities per year. This is


FUNERAL services for Father Theophile Brown, O.S.B., former Prior of St Augustine's Monastery and teacher at St Augustine's College, were held Friday morning at Mary Mother of the Church Benedictine Abbey, in Richmond, Virginia. Interment followed in the

Women's struggles in the Bahamas

Women's struggles in the Bahamas By JANET BOSTWICK IN the general elections in the Colony of The Bahama Islands in 1949, Mr Rufus Ingraham, the Member of Parliament for Inagua for two years, lost his bid to be re-elected. His wife, Mrs Mary Ingraham, t

Let's talk about Arawak, why not Clifton?

Let's talk about Arawak, why not Clifton? "LET'S TALK about the new container port at Arawak Cay," was Opposition leader Perry Christie's invitation to his supporters at Clifford Park Friday night. In this column today, we shall take Mr Christie up on hi

Obama tested by events outside control

Obama tested by events outside control This is the economy election in the US, right? Tell that to the world. President Barack Obama is getting another dose of the reality of his job: the out-of-his-control events that shape whether he will keep it. He i

Obama tested by events outside control

Obama tested by events outside control This is the economy election in the US, right? Tell that to the world. President Barack Obama is getting another dose of the reality of his job: the out-of-his-control events that shape whether he will keep it. He i

Survivor of the Holocaust tells how Schindler saved her life

Survivor of the Holocaust tells how Schindler saved her life During the entire period in which we worked for Director Schindler, he did everything possible to save the lives of the greatest possible number of Jews, in spite of the tremendous difficulties

Bahamas learns from Caymanos

GEORGE TOWN, the Cayman Islands - the political status of this tiny British Overseas Territory south of Cuba, which enjoys one of the world's highest standards of living, has been described by local intellectuals as "voluntary colonialism". As late as the

Bahamas learns from Caymanos

GEORGE TOWN, the Cayman Islands - the political status of this tiny British Overseas Territory south of Cuba, which enjoys one of the world's highest standards of living, has been described by local intellectuals as "voluntary colonialism". As late as the

Bahamas learns from Caymanos

GEORGE TOWN, the Cayman Islands - the political status of this tiny British Overseas Territory south of Cuba, which enjoys one of the world's highest standards of living, has been described by local intellectuals as "voluntary colonialism". As late as the

Bahamas learns from Caymanos

GEORGE TOWN, the Cayman Islands - the political status of this tiny British Overseas Territory south of Cuba, which enjoys one of the world's highest standards of living, has been described by local intellectuals as "voluntary colonialism". As late as the

Bahamas learns from Caymanos

GEORGE TOWN, the Cayman Islands - the political status of this tiny British Overseas Territory south of Cuba, which enjoys one of the world's highest standards of living, has been described by local intellectuals as "voluntary colonialism". As late as the


RUSSIA CONCERNED ABOUT NUCLEAR IRAN Russia expressed regret and concern Tuesday about Iran's launch of uranium enrichment up to 20 per cent at an underground facility, but urged all parties involved in the nuclear standoff with Tehran to avoid hasty move

Union leaders meet today with Labour Minister

Union leaders meet today with Labour Minister LEADERS of the Bahamas Customs and Immigration Allied Workers Union are scheduled to meet with Labour Minister Dion Foulkes this morning to clarify what their lawyer, Obie Ferguson, is now dismissing as a "mi

Union leaders meet today with Labour Minister

Union leaders meet today with Labour Minister LEADERS of the Bahamas Customs and Immigration Allied Workers Union are scheduled to meet with Labour Minister Dion Foulkes this morning to clarify what their lawyer, Obie Ferguson, is now dismissing as a "mi

The destruction of Jumbey village

The destruction of Jumbey village "NO, I can't believe it - that can't be true!" This was Coconut Grove MP's Ed Moxey's shocked reply in May 1974 when a news reporter called to ask what he thought of a report that government had planned to build a repli

Bishop: Demons loose in country

Bishop: Demons loose in country By LAMECH JOHNSON and SANCHESKA BROWN Tribune Staff Reporters THREE demons are holding the Bahamas hostage and can only be exorcised with prayer, Bishop Neil Ellis, of Mount Tabor Full Gospel Bapti
