All results / Stories / Noelle Nicolls

Anniversary party for Anglicans wrapping up

The Anglican Diocese of the Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos Islands will conclude its year of celebrating 150 years as a Diocese on Sunday, 5 February with a special service at Christ Church Cathedral. The service will be a solemn evensong, sermon and b

Anniversary party for Anglicans wrapping up

The Anglican Diocese of the Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos Islands will conclude its year of celebrating 150 years as a Diocese on Sunday, 5 February with a special service at Christ Church Cathedral. The service will be a solemn evensong, sermon and b

Don't wait too long

By Angela Palacious This title is a quote from a friend who has cancer. I promised her that I would share her experience in order to help someone else. She waited too late to be honest with her physician about her condition, and now has to undergo chemot

Care for rabbits

Care for rabbits By Dr Basil Clarke Care of Rabbits are naturally gregarious and very reproductive. They are completely herbivorous (eat only plants) and most actively forage in the twilight or nighttime hours. Rabbits make excellent pets. They are rela

The garden in January

The garden in January By Gardener Jack If you cannot go out to your vegetable garden and pick exactly what you want right now then you did not make an early enough start. A friend of mine told me he was off the island for all of October so did not put


By Kevin Ewing I am sure the above topic will capture the attention of many. Particularly those that just cannot make sense of the strange unexplained happenings they have been constantly experiencing in their relationship. Witchcraft, Voodoo, Obeah, sp


By Kevin Ewing I am sure the above topic will capture the attention of many. Particularly those that just cannot make sense of the strange unexplained happenings they have been constantly experiencing in their relationship. Witchcraft, Voodoo, Obeah, sp


By Kevin Ewing I am sure the above topic will capture the attention of many. Particularly those that just cannot make sense of the strange unexplained happenings they have been constantly experiencing in their relationship. Witchcraft, Voodoo, Obeah, sp

New Year's Dental Resolution

New Year's Dental Resolution By Dr Andre Clarke CONGRATULATIONS, we have made it to 2012. The things of 2011 are of the past and the things of 2012 are yet to come. It is the custom of many persons to make New Year's resolutions. These resolutions are

Top 5 neutral paint colours

Top 5 neutral paint colours By Jennifer Bethel Director, Seaglass Interiors Ltd Do you ever stress about picking a paint color? Most women do. It's always a worry: Will it be too light, too dark? How will my furniture look with it? Will my husband and k

Spotlight Event

Spotlight Event Medical Association of the Bahamas 40th Annual Scientific Conference March 7 - 9, 2012 @ The British Colonial Hilton Hotel Theme: "Current Trends in Health Care: A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats" Public Lecture When: Wednesday, March 7, 2

Women Of Integrity Easter Conference

Women Of Integrity Easter Conference On April 9, hundreds of women will converge on the grounds of Calvary Deliverance Church, East Street South to celebrate their 19th Annual Conference. Conference host Elder Beverley Clarke has seen her vision for the

Annual Missions Conference returns to Grace Community

On Sunday, January 29, Grace Community Church will launch its 26th Annual Global Missions Conference. God's messenger for the conference this year is once again Senior Pastor Allan Lee, Calvary Bible Church. The church is looking forward to see how God wi

A living sacrifice

By Angela Palacious "Therefore I urge view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship" Rom. 12:1 NIV. A sacrifice was an ancient solution to the problem of sin. Blood

A living sacrifice

By Angela Palacious "Therefore I urge view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship" Rom. 12:1 NIV. A sacrifice was an ancient solution to the problem of sin. Blood


By Rev Angela Palacious If we want our young people to trust us and follow our best examples, then we have to find a way to make a connection with them. Together, we can dream of a great future for our people, and work to accomplish and maintain it by th


By Rev Angela Palacious If we want our young people to trust us and follow our best examples, then we have to find a way to make a connection with them. Together, we can dream of a great future for our people, and work to accomplish and maintain it by th

Care of the orphan puppy or kitten

Care of the orphan puppy or kitten PUPPIES and kittens may require hand-rearing for a variety of reasons: the most obvious is death of the mother. However, some mothers may not be able to produce milk (AGALACTIC), have mastitis, have an underlying diseas

Care of the orphan puppy or kitten

Care of the orphan puppy or kitten PUPPIES and kittens may require hand-rearing for a variety of reasons: the most obvious is death of the mother. However, some mothers may not be able to produce milk (AGALACTIC), have mastitis, have an underlying diseas

Care of the orphan puppy or kitten

Care of the orphan puppy or kitten PUPPIES and kittens may require hand-rearing for a variety of reasons: the most obvious is death of the mother. However, some mothers may not be able to produce milk (AGALACTIC), have mastitis, have an underlying diseas