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Concerns over Bill on electricity

Kindly permit me to publicly express my views on the Electricity Bill, 2024, which would permit Bahamas Power and Light (BPL), or any electricity supplier, to set their own tariff rates for three years without approval from the Utilities Regulation & Competition Authority (URCA).

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WORLD VIEW – Guatemala: Democracy vs unbridled AG authority

Recent events in the Central American country, Guatemala, underscores why organs of government in any country should have oversight bodies that have the authority to curb rogue behaviour by office holders. These events also demonstrate why legislation should be carefully drafted and reviewed before being passed into law.

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Sands: It’s the wrong marijuana ‘gold mine’

The Free National Movement’s (FNM) chairman says the Government has delayed the “potential gold mine” of industrial hemp to focus on legalising a medical marijuana industry that is “unlikely to be a big economic boon”.