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Keith Roye II: Digital transformation in reach of SMEs too

In today’s fast-paced business landscape, “digital transformation” is not just a buzzword but a necessity for staying competitive. While large corporations often have deep pockets to fund complex digital initiatives, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can also thrive in this digital age by crafting strategies that are tailored to their unique needs and capabilities.

Commission 'content' to hand over $426m FTX digital assets

The Securities Commission plans to seek Supreme Court approval to transfer some $426m worth of digital assets it is safeguarding into the care of the liquidators for FTX's Bahamian subsidiary.

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FTX Bahamas demanding $9.15bn from US affiliates

FTX’s Bahamian liquidators are seeking to recover a total $9.15bn from the crypto exchange’s US entities with some 84 percent of this sum involving assets that were “misappropriated” prior to its late 2022 collapse.

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Central Bank: 1,250% digital asset capital not ‘excessive’

The Central Bank yesterday rejected assertions it is being “excessive” in requiring licensees to hold 12.5 times’ the amount of capital involved to back trades of non-stablecoin digital assets.

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KEITH ROYE II: Embrace digital change to drive long-term growth

The COVID-19 pandemic was a catalyst for digital transformation, pushing companies to rethink their strategies and adapt to rapidly changing circumstances. As we transition into a post-pandemic world, it is important to reflect on the lessons learned and explore the future direction of digital transformation.

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$13.4bn flowed through FTX Bahamas accounts

Some $13.4bn flowed through FTX's Bahamas accounts in the ten months immediately prior to the crypto exchange's collapse, its liquidators revealed yesterday, as they sought to dispel allegations it was "a nullity".

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PM: FTX ‘lessons learned’ will make Bahamas better

The Prime Minister yesterday pledged that “the lessons we learned” from the FTX crypto exchange’s collapse will enable The Bahamas to better strengthen its regulatory regime and emerge as a regional digital assets hub.

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Commission asset turnover as part of FTX’s settlement

FTX Bahamas’ liquidators have agreed to use “commercially reasonable efforts” to ensure some $426m worth of digital assets held by the Securities Commission are transferred to their US counterparts.

‘Avoiding digitisation will cost you more’

PLATO Alpha Design CEO Duran Humes said the decision to avoid digital transformation is costing Bahamian businesses far more in the long run. From government agencies to the private sector, Mr Humes said Bahamian businesses continue to suffer the consequences of avoiding the need for digitisation.

Regulator's warning on digital assets exchange

Bahamian regulators yesterday issued a warning about an unregistered digital assets exchange purported to be operating from this nation illegally.

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FTX liquidators prevent $8m GoldWynn 'forfeit'

FTX's Bahamian liquidators prevented a near-$8m loss by completing the acquisition of eight condo units in the GoldWynn development at Goodman's Bay, it has been revealed.

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SBF’s trading arm, Alameda Research, operated in Bahamas without licence

The private trading entity created by Sam Bankman-Fried, and alleged to have played a key role in FTX’s multi-billion dollar implosion, was based and controlled in The Bahamas despite not being licensed to operate in this jurisdiction.

FTX’s GoldWynn condos to be ‘absorbed at market value’

THE eight GoldWynn condo units newly-acquired by FTX’s Bahamian liquidators will be “readily absorbed by the market” when put up for sale, the project’s developer predicted yesterday.

International link sees UB join forces with Cambridge

AN INTERNATIONAL link-up has seen the University of The Bahamas (UB) partner with the University of Cambridge and the Securities Commission of The Bahamas to provide a Fintech and Innovation programme.

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Deal’s ‘equal treatment’ for 53k FTX Bahamas claims

FTX’s Bahamian liquidators “are in the advanced stages” of negotiating a “global settlement” with their US counterpart that will ensure equal treatment for their near-53,000 creditors.

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FTX: $7.7bn owed to Bahamas ‘misleading’

A key financial adviser to FTX's US chief yesterday disputed as "misleading" assertions that some $7.7bn is currently owed to the failed crypto exchange's Bahamian subsidiary.

Digital banking the ‘only way forward’ for Andros residents

DARIN Bethel, president of the Andros Chamber of Commerce said that digital currency providers are the “only way forward” for North and Central Andros businesses and residents.

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‘FTX chief planned $256m sell-off behind our backs’

FTX’s Bahamian liquidators have accused their US adversary, aided by its local law firm, of going behind their backs in attempting to sell $256m worth of real estate domiciled in this jurisdiction.

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Fostering human innovation key to digital transformation

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital transformation, it is easy to get swept up in the wave of technological advances. However, amid the algorithms and automation, the human element remains an integral factor for success. Building a culture of innovation is not just about implementing the latest technologies, but fostering a mindset that encourages creativity, adaptability and collaboration among the workforce.

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Sam Bankman-Fried ‘wants to be heard’ in FTX Bahamas wind-up

FTX’s founder says he “wishes to be heard” at today’s Supreme Court hearing on the winding-up petition intended to place the crypto exchange’s Bahamian subsidiary into full liquidation.