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Monday, 14th August, 2023.

Fat melting fruit - a help to weight loss

THERE are countless weight loss products, systems and fad diets on the market, making the one claim boasting quick weight loss.

Oil drilling 'will not be a job creator'

Oil drilling in The Bahamas will likely generate work for no more than a handful of locals while putting thousands of tourism and commercial fishing jobs at risk, reEarth President Sam Duncombe warned.

No referendum for oil drilling

ALREADY they are discussing how to share the oil wealth, even before the first vein of oil has been discovered to make the discussion relevant.

Sugar – Part IV: What’s all the fuss about?

I honestly thought that last week’s article was going to bring this not-so-sweet topic on the effects of added sugar to a close. However, I really do not want to rob you of information because as I said last week, knowledge is power, and with it we can change our circumstances.

Oil drilling in the Bahamas

EDITOR, The Tribune