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The importance of gums – what people need to know

If you knew that two professional mouth cleanings a year would likely save you from gum disease, would you do it? I would, and hope, that you would.

The important gums - What people need to know

IF YOU knew that two professional mouth cleanings a year would likely save you from gum diseases would you do it?

Special dental tips for diabetics

Diabetes is a noncontagious, systemic disease characterised by sustained high blood sugar due to problems with insulin production or action.

Don’t be so sensitive!

If eating a frozen daiquiri or snow cone makes you say “ouch”, then you may be suffering from tooth sensitivity. Tooth sensitivity is one of the most common complaints among patients. They can no longer enjoy cold or hot beverages without feeling some sort of discomfort.

Keeping your mouth alive

Dental Avulsion

By Dr Andre Clarke What does it mean to have an avulsed tooth? The terminology sounds very complicated, but it is simply when an individual accidentally has a tooth knocked out.

Flossing on trial

Recently, a scientific study came out which suggested that groups of studies that had been conducted could not prove the benefits of daily flossing.

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HIV and the mouth

HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is a virus that attacks the immune system, which is our body’s defence against illness. The virus is passed from one person to the next through blood-to-blood contact and sexual contact. It can also be passed from

Pregnancy and your mouth

PREGNANCY is a time of great happiness and fulfilment for most women. However, both the woman and her developing child face various health risks during the nine months of pregnancy.

Pancreatic cancer and mouth health

Pancreatic cancer and mouth health Dr Andre Clarke The pancreas is a spongy grey-pink organ that is shaped somewhat like a fish. It is a 6- to 10-inch long organ that is located behind the stomach in the back of the abdomen. The pancreas is a part of the

Pancreatic cancer and mouth health

Pancreatic cancer and mouth health Dr Andre Clarke The pancreas is a spongy grey-pink organ that is shaped somewhat like a fish. It is a 6- to 10-inch long organ that is located behind the stomach in the back of the abdomen. The pancreas is a part of the

Taking diabetes seriously

A physician once said to me that he thought that diabetics each possessed a “stubborn gene”. He was speaking about his experience with his diabetic patients, and how many of them ignored good medical advice because of their headstrong nature.

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Deep cleanings

A deep cleaning is a procedure done by your dentist or hygienist to treat gum and periodontal disease. It is very different from a regular cleaning. Your regular dental cleaning focuses on the surfaces of the teeth above the gum line (supragingival), while a deep cleaning will cleanse the areas beneath the gum line (subgingival).

The importance of deep scaling

GUM diseases are responsible for almost all the loss of teeth in the world’s adult population.

Dental care and diabetes

Whether you have type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes, high blood sugar can affect your entire body, including your mouth.

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Osteoporosis and oral health

Osteoporosis is a nice fancy word. We often hear about it in the media. Older men and women predominantly get it and many supplements claim to be able to stop it or slow it down.

HIV and the mouth

THE Caribbean region has the second highest prevalence for adult HIV in the world.

Dr Pickstock offers free dental services to Albania Christian Academy Pre-School

Dr Pickstock offers free dental services to Albania Christian Academy Pre-School By JEFFARAH GIBSON Tribune Features Writer MORE than 50 per cent of children in New Providence have experienced some sort of tooth decay by the time the reach first grade,

Dr Pickstock offers free dental services to Albania Christian Academy Pre-School

Dr Pickstock offers free dental services to Albania Christian Academy Pre-School By JEFFARAH GIBSON Tribune Features Writer MORE than 50 per cent of children in New Providence have experienced some sort of tooth decay by the time the reach first grade,

Dr Pickstock offers free dental services to Albania Christian Academy Pre-School

Dr Pickstock offers free dental services to Albania Christian Academy Pre-School By JEFFARAH GIBSON Tribune Features Writer MORE than 50 per cent of children in New Providence have experienced some sort of tooth decay by the time the reach first grade,

Healthy mouth – healthy body

World Oral Health Day (WOHD) is observed every year on March 20.