dacy 12 years ago on PM: Flowers would not suffer any negative impact if 'no' vote wins
PM: Flowers would not suffer any negative impact if 'no' vote wins
B_I_D___ 12 years ago on Robbery trial duo acquitted
Robbery trial duo acquitted
Must be something to do with National Security...top secret...
Oracle 12 years ago on Robbery trial duo acquitted
Robbery trial duo acquitted
Are we to be told why they were acquitted?
John 12 years ago on BEC owed $143m by private sector
BEC owed $143m by private sector
This here proves that there is abuse and favourtism at BEC. How is it that the sum of monies owed to BEC continues to increase when BEC has hired contract workers to do disconnections and allowed their regular workers to do overtime for disconnections? So in effect while BEC has increased its labour costs for collections/disconnections, it has, in fact, seen a continuing INCREASE to the monies owed. Something smells afoul. I know of persons owing less than $300.00 having their electricity cut off up to THIRTEEN times last year . So who owes the $143 million and why are they not being shut off while the small struggling home owner is cut off more than once a month? Those managers should be made to account for increasing the cost of Collections at BEC but not effecting an accompanying decrease in BEC's receivables and at the same time the freqency of disconnections to certain consumers double even.
B_I_D___ 11 years, 9 months ago on Decision due to ‘breach of confidentiality’
Decision due to ‘breach of confidentiality’
The price you pay for doing your job by the book and not bending to every MP or PM saying let's spend some money on this project, or pay this supporters medical bills, or give this person a free car...stand up against people putting their hands in the cookie jar and you get fired. Basically what it comes down to. Maybe Mr. Cargill should turncoat on the PLP he supports and join ranks with the FNM...they obviously have more common sense then the people who just stabbed him in the back.
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 8 months ago on Speaker says MPs ‘acting like children’
Speaker says MPs ‘acting like children’
Yeah...it's puzzling. I don't want to understand, I would have to be him, and I cant afford that this week, I have a few things to get done.
B_I_D___ 11 years, 8 months ago on ‘Unions must fight for BTC’
‘Unions must fight for BTC’
Man...it's a real b*tch working for a private company and not a government run employee slush house. You mean BTC is actually expecting WORK out of their staff?? Unbelievable!! Government never made them work, so why should you? Please...get on with your work. Just because CWC are actually holding the staff accountable to the contracts laid down and worked out by the UNION, they are going to start making noise. The ONLY reason for any government run utility is to house employees that would not be employable elsewhere in the industry and for political gain.
hotep86 11 years, 6 months ago on No formal talks with Panama on detainees
No formal talks with Panama on detainees
So the Panamanian Government releases a statement, with subsequent interviews to the press on the acceptance of detainees in The Bahamas without ever formally engaging the Bahamian Government?
That makes so much sense.
The Panamanian Government is participating in a public relations campaign. I also find it odd that the protesters claim that the protests were stopped in response to the government's agreement to investigate the allegations of abuse. Newsflash, the government has said on repeated occasions in any one of Fred Mitchell's ranting press releases that they would investigate. The protesters stopped protesting the minute their evil allies announced they would take them - that's all it was ever about!
Just get rid of them at this point, good riddance to all of them!
hotep86 11 years, 6 months ago on No formal talks with Panama on detainees
No formal talks with Panama on detainees
Do you really think the video was staged in an attempt to highlight abuse at the Detention Center? Or was it made by a few Cubans who were caught attempting to smuggle Cubans into the United States via The Bahamas and wanted attention knowing what the exile community in Miami would do?
No one is denying the issues at the Detention Center, and I'm sure no one disagrees with your assertion. The Bahamas is party to a number of human rights treaties and conventions that we must adhere to and, like other nations, we have our fair share of issues. However, this particular situation is foul, and a little research of history would enlighten anyone on how the cuban mafia aka the exiles operate.
banker 11 years, 2 months ago on Chipman vows to scrutinise costs of PM’s trip
Chipman vows to scrutinise costs of PM’s trip
Ahhh, but the Devil is in the details. If you pay attention to the little things, the big things will take care of themselves. That goes for everything from crime to the economy.
Greentea 11 years, 2 months ago on Christmas bonus for BEC staff deferred
Christmas bonus for BEC staff deferred
This fella is a sign of the depth of this country's problems. We not only have the thugs holding you up in your own homes and driveways- you have supposedly working folks like this Greene fellow holding up the public treasury with this kind of foolishness and threatening to join the thugs in open anti-social behavior if he doesn't get his way. I never evah thought I would take Leslie Miller's side in anything- but Mr. Miller- I gat ya back on this one. BEC hasn't made a red cent in years. How on earth could it give bonuses? Based on what may I ask? Why would employees of an underperforming company expect a bonus when it needs to borrow money to meet its obligations? These folks don't understand the first thing about businesses and bottomlines and dont care. They have earned a lot of money from growing incompetence and doing just enough to keep the light on "most" of the time. Therefore they have zero interest in performing any better. Mr. Greene- you should be ashamed- but this performance of course tells me- you have none- shame that is.
banker 11 years, 2 months ago on Violence in Bahamas at levels close to armed conflict zones
Violence in Bahamas at levels close to armed conflict zones
I don't believe this. First there is demonstrable obsessive compulsive disorder in regards to bringing up the FNM in every conversation, and now there is denial of reality where just in today's paper, a Subway store is brazenly robbed, a baby is killed by a hit and run coward, the deputy prime minister was robbed at gunpoint, eight people were shot in a 24 hour period three weeks ago, the murder rate is in fact that of a war zone.
Let me educate you with some comparisons. Take Toronto, Canada. They have a population in the city of 2.78 million and they have had 31 homicides to this point. With that same rate, we should have three homicides every year. We have a tenth of that population and we have over 300% more homicides. Denying a problem makes you part of the problem and not part of the solution.
nassauboy 11 years, 1 month ago on Three dead, two injured in shootings
Three dead, two injured in shootings
I no longer live in Bahamas but born there.
There are several issues. Here are a few comments I have to make in no particular order.
Children born with no daddy, and its perfectly fine and acceptable. Guess what, for the first couple generations it might work out, but eventually you end up with young males that now see this as a way of life. In the end, no one is there to teach the young makes any standards, or provide stability. Long run this is not good, and this is where you are now.
Jobs. Without jobs there will never be any hope. Stop relying on government to create jobs. They do not. Governments spend your money or money they borrow to pay their workers. It does not contribute to the overall prosperity of the country. Yes you need roads, infrastructure, hospitals and the government should (if can afford) provide some basics to the people and security and a framework for business ... they however are not business just business enablers.
Education of the country. I checked the papers and see where people celebrating 'D"'s in school now. Terrible. I do talk to several business owners in Bahamas, and guess what. You can't even find reliable people to show up each day and answer a telephone properly. No skills. Not academically, not socially and no sense of desire to work. Many are going to disagree with me, but .. look around -- what you see reflects what Im saying.
Tourism. Until Bahamas can educate itself, and retain the people like me that left then you are stuck with just a few basic industries that actually bring money into the country. No money coming into the country and no money for people or governments ... so real prosperity will be based on new money into the country. I see some saying that they feel like salves working in the hotels and the tourism industry ... well you can feel however you wish ... I don't like working either, but it beats the alternatives. So in the end when the attitude filters through to the vacationers ... then they stop coming. Bahamas is not a cheap destination, and there are many alternatives for far less.
Crime. Its having a huge impact on your tourism, the one thing thats still keeping Bahamas afloat. Crime is just the symptom because people have no jobs. Some want them but not educated enough, some just don't have the ethics, some just do not want them. Yes thee are the exceptions ... but a country can not be prosperous on the few good. I have been watching the crime rates and they not improving.
Anyway, the truth is until the greater proportion of Bahamians decide that family stability, values, education, work ethic are important (will take generations to undo whats already done) then nothing will really change. Change will have to come from within, and I don't really think the people are ready yet as they still blaming everybody but themselves.
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 1 month ago on Man denies any involvement over missing Peruvian woman
Man denies any involvement over missing Peruvian woman
Ms Krishna, it is you who submitted Todd's story in the first place no questions asked. My first comment on the story was "has the tribune verified this story before printing it?". I still don't know who is innocent or guilty or whatever, but the details just sounded weird. We really need good investigative reporters they are so critical to order in our society. If an article on a speech or response given by Perry Christie for example, is comprised of all direct quotes with a sprinkling of "he said", "he added", "he retorted", what good is that? Any high schooler can get a tape recorder and perform straight dictation.
Bahamians really have to perform their due diligence on strange men bearing gifts, some are straight up and some are just looking to bilk us for everything we've got. Don't fall for the nice accents.
Remember Sante Kimes? I wonder how many wealthy homes she was invited into before she was caught as a serial murderer.
Due Diligence
CommonSense 11 years, 1 month ago on Man denies any involvement over missing Peruvian woman
Man denies any involvement over missing Peruvian woman
Don't expect much "investigative work" from these reporters. They can hardly string together a proper sentence or write an article that doesn't have spelling errors. I don't know whether to blame the reporters themselves or their editor who obviously doesn't do much in the way of editing in the first place.
John 12 years ago on UPDATED: Thousands of people take to Bay Street.
UPDATED: Thousands of people take to Bay Street.
Can someone please contact Mr. Craig Flowers, Sebas, Foxy or one of the( presently illegal) gaming bosses and ask them to please send Mr. Perry Glastone Christie a few of the "yes" shirts (he needs more than one so he can have a fresh one every time he speaks for them) beacuse he is doing an excellent job speaking out in favor of the' yes' vote. He did say he didn't have a horse in the race..but i think he was meaning at hobby horse race track..maybe they need to re-open that too!