Locally employed staff member at Bahamas Embassy in Haiti kidnapped

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is reporting that a locally employed staff member of the Bahamas Embassy in Port-au-Prince, Haiti has been kidnapped.

In a statement, the ministry said according to information received from the family of the long-time employee, the incident took place at around 6am on Thursday in the employee's neighbourhood.  

The matter has been reported to the police in Haiti and is being investigated.

“Our prayers are with the victim and family for a safe and speedy return,” the ministry statement said. “We will assist the authorities to the extent that we can.

“We are advised that the diplomatic staff generally are not at risk. However, additional security measures are being taken.

“The embassy will continue to monitor this situation along with the general security situation in the Port-au-Prince area, and advise the ministry accordingly on recommended courses of action to take.”


zephyr 1 year, 7 months ago

Is “FRED MITCHELL UP TO THE MINUTE” experiencing technical difficulties? How come we are just hearing about this Mr. “UP TO THE MINUTE MITCHELL”?

[link text][1]

[1]: http://DennisDames.Com/">http://DennisDames.Com/ “Dennis Dames”


mandela 1 year, 7 months ago

Well, gang leader or kidnapper, the Bahamas has nothing or no one to trade or exchange for this worker, so you might as well let "em" go, there's nothing to gain.


tribanon 1 year, 7 months ago

They might be willing to take Fwreddy Boy in exchange. That would be a real bargain for The Bahamas!


sheeprunner12 1 year, 7 months ago

Brave to the rescue ....... Haiti needs a SOS

Load up Rodney Moncur & Louby Georges and get cracking asap. No time for talking now.


birdiestrachan 1 year, 7 months ago

perhaps they should close the embassy just to be on the safe side. no one knows what will happen next. The president I believe was killed.


tribanon 1 year, 7 months ago

Perhaps with all of the illegal Haitian aliens and their off-spring here in our country the Davis-led PLP government should close The Bahamas to be on the safe side because no one knows what will happen next. LMAO


TalRussell 1 year, 7 months ago

To take a little further the words of Comrade Zephyr ... Obviously the Government either must've not been 'up to the minute' advised to expect such in Haiti or it chose to ignore that staff on the ground in Haiti generally were, are and always remain at risk of being held hostage by a surge in kidnappings and paraded through the streets. .. A brewing concern is how to prepare before kidnappings spreads out of Haiti. ... And, didn't the Minnis regime introduce millions of Sand Dollars for kickstartin' a National Espionage Intelligence Agency Act in 2019, ...  “with the objective of enhancing the intelligence gathering those identities and individuals out to brung harm to the soil of The Colony ''.... Or was it out **snoop up' espionage intelligence gathering on an unsuspectin' colonyland's popoulaces? ... In fact, didn't the red regime not announce the construction of a secret undisclosed location of a building to headquarters members espionage intelligence gathering unit?  ... Comrades will concur that you just can't be runnin' about makin' up such 'up to the minute'  urgent concerns stuff ― Yes?


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