Speech from the Throne: National Service Bill to be introduced to help young people ‘reach their potential’

GOVERNOR General Cynthia ‘Mother’ Pratt at yesterday’s ceremonies ahead of the Speech from the Throne.

GOVERNOR General Cynthia ‘Mother’ Pratt at yesterday’s ceremonies ahead of the Speech from the Throne.


Tribune Staff Reporter


THE Davis administration will introduce a National Service Bill, inviting young people to register for national service.

“The participants in this programme will serve to meet the needs of our vulnerable communities throughout The Bahamas,” Governor General Cynthia “Mother” Pratt said during the Speech from the Throne yesterday.

She said the administration would also introduce a National Youth Commission bill. The commission would implement “policies, programmes and projects consistent with the National Youth Policy to help support young people in developing their potential”.

In June, Youth, Sports and Culture Minister Mario Bowleg said a national youth policy would be tabled this month. It is not clear exactly when this will happen.

A national youth policy has been in the works for years, moving through several administrations without being formally adopted.

Mr Bowleg said the policy includes a compendium of pro-youth legislation such as a National Youth Commission bill, the National Youth Council bill, a National Institute for the Youth Development bill and the National Youth Development Endowment Trust Fund bill.

Governor General Pratt also announced that the administration would introduce a National Maritime Instruction and Training Bill and a National Apprenticeship Bill to support workplace training.


IslandWarrior 7 months, 2 weeks ago

Might the citizens of the Bahamas be facing a threat from those entrusted with their protection and leadership?

Is The Bahamas under military threat? When did this happen? The sight of heavily armed military personnel on Bay Street during yesterday's event was truly alarming. It's not every day that Bahamians carry arms, so why the show of force, and what message is being sent? This display of power and lack of respect for the Bahamian people is concerning. It begs the question, what do political leaders and 'what appears' to be their personal armed forces think of the Bahamian People, the people they are supposed to serve? How far will their loyalty go should Bahamians exercise their rights to disagree and protest as democracy allows them? 'would we see heavily armed military personnel firing on Bahamian People'? These are questions that demand answers.

Scary and Disappointing Development


moncurcool 7 months, 2 weeks ago

Why does The Bahamas need a National Service Bill? If young people want to serve, are there not reputable youth organizations in this country they can join? Can they not join the cadets or rangers as well?


sheeprunner12 7 months, 2 weeks ago

I read this to mean that this will be another "slush fund" like Urban Renewal, BAMSI, NIB, NHI, and the SOEs that cost our country's tax payers and Treasury via a loose National Budget at least $500million per year


avidreader 7 months, 2 weeks ago

Didn't we go through this years ago when there were demonstrations on Bay Street? The National Service Bill was not passed at that time and slipped quietly into the twilight. Now we hear of it again. Certainly I understand that there are a lot of young people out there who have little chance of gainful employment. Thus, the idea of National Service comes out of the filing cabinet. Perhaps the government of the day will be more successful this time around but any such program will prove to be only a stop gap measure in the face of a relentless increase in population and delinquent behaviour. Politicians do not discuss the problems generated by population increase, especially in a small country with very limited natural resources and employment opportunities. There have been successful implementations of National Service programs in a number of countries but the objectives and costs of the plan must be carefully planned with the general public consulted in good faith.


themessenger 7 months, 2 weeks ago

Going to need replacements for those body bags soon to be coming back from Haiti!


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