Drivers hurt by Baha Mar dilemma


Tribune Staff Reporter


BAHA Mar’s bankruptcy dilemma could not have come at a worse time for persons employed in the tourism industry, a tour driver told The Tribune yesterday.

Aaron Cox, an employee of Dan Knowles Tours based on Paradise Island, spoke about how the resort’s delayed opening and subsequent filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in a US Delaware court has impacted individuals like him.

“Even though I’m a tour driver and all of my jobs are prearranged through the company that I work for, Dan Knowles Tours, I see the effect of hustling at the airport with the different taxi drivers,” said Mr Cox.

“It is tough for taxi drivers when you have few to no flights coming in or when you have no cruise ships in the port. Baha Mar was supposed to bring a lot more guests so everyone, including taxi drivers, would feel that economic boost that we all needed, but that hasn’t worked out.”

“The delayed opening has affected us tour drivers because those extra guests are not coming in as anticipated and we (DKT) had one of the contracts to move the clients of Baha Mar, from the airport to the resort.”

“I guess we’ll have to wait on Baha Mar to open and I really hope it does open,” Mr Cox added.

On June 29, Baha Mar and its affiliated companies filed for bankruptcy in a Delaware court, blaming the resort’s contractor, China Construction America (CCA), for the construction delays that caused it to miss previous opening deadlines.

Days later, the resort also took legal action against CCA’s parent company, China State Construction Engineering Corporation (CSCEC) in England’s High Court of Justice.

Within days of its bankruptcy filing, US Judge Kevin Carey approved the resort’s request to begin tapping into $80m in financing to keep the resort on track for opening while it undergoes Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings in that state.

However, the Delaware judge’s approval of the debtor-in-possession (DIP) financing request, to include $30m to be used by the resort over a 30-day period, was conditional on the approval of the Bahamas’ Supreme Court.

Justice Ian Winder, who is presiding over Baha Mar’s application to have that ruling ratified in the Bahamas, recently gave the major stakeholders in the multi-billion dollar resort development 13 days to negotiate a solution in getting the stalled project over the finish line.

However, according to the government, those talks that began last week Monday in China fell through without an agreement. However Baha Mar still insists it is committed to reaching a compromise with its lender, the Export-Import Bank of China.

The Supreme Court hearing resumes today at 10am.

In another twist in the saga, last Thursday Prime Minister Perry Christie announced that Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson had filed a winding up petition in the Supreme Court against Baha Mar and its affiliated companies that filed for bankruptcy.

During a national address, Mr Christie said the liquidation process would allow a “neutral party” to take over the process and work with stakeholders to get the resort on a path to completion and opening.

He added that the government cannot allow the US bankruptcy orders to stand, because it would place The Bahamas’ reputation in jeopardy.

“Consequently and in addition, the attorney general is challenging Baha Mar’s application to the Supreme Court of the Bahamas to recognise and accept the jurisdiction of the Delaware court in The Bahamas,” he said last week.

“This is not just a matter of national sovereignty. There should be a Bahamian solution to this Bahamian issue and that majority of the key parties in this matter recognise and support that position.”


John 8 years, 10 months ago

Do WE FEAR THE CHINESE PEOPLE IN ERROR? " Many interpretations of prophecy say that China will come against Israel someday. Is this reasonable to assume this? Will China be blessed or cursed by God in the end times?

I have read much speculation about China aligning with Russia to attack Israel in the end times, just because it is “east” of Israel, and has a large population, and some scriptures refer to kings from the east doing this. But, reviewing both ancient and recent histories, as well as modern events, I see no pattern of hostility between China and Israel that would be re-ignited in a future catastrophic war. "

China, and many other countries, who have never had a conflict with the Israelis, just worry about their own needs and problems. They might be involved with weapons sales, agreements for Arab oil, or nuclear development. This is motivated by economics, and politics, not hatred for Israel.

It would be counter-productive financially for China to attack anyone unless there was a direct advantage to China. Involving millions of lost lives, loss of labor, expecting retaliation in return, and for what? Israel really has nothing that China is interested in.

What does the Bible say about China?

There is only one passage that has traditionally been assigned to China by name. This is from Isaiah 49. Look at the verses that surround the reference to China (Sinim) in this passage.

Isa 49:8 Thus saith the LORD, In an acceptable time have I heard thee, and in a day of salvation have I helped thee: and I will preserve thee, and give thee for a covenant of the people, to establish the earth, to cause to inherit the desolate heritages;

Isa 49:9 That thou mayest say to the prisoners, Go forth; to them that [are] in darkness, Shew yourselves. They shall feed in the ways, and their pastures [shall be] in all high places.

Isa 49:10 They shall not hunger nor thirst; neither shall the heat nor sun smite them: for he that hath mercy on them shall lead them, even by the springs of water shall he guide them.

Isa 49:11 And I will make all my mountains a way, and my highways shall be exalted.

Isa 49:12 Behold, these shall come from far: and, lo, these from the north and from the west; and these from the land of Sinim.

Isa 49:13 Sing, O heavens; and be joyful, O earth; and break forth into singing, O mountains: for the LORD hath comforted his people, and will have mercy upon his afflicted.

****NOTE Yes, the comfort is promised to Israel.


John 8 years, 10 months ago

"But in a larger context, we all can receive comfort, and I was extending this as possibility to other nations like China, who, if they would turn to the Lord, could also have comfort in the end times.

The main idea is that China does not seem to be one of the kings of the east who would attack Israel.

China today

China represents 1/5 of the world population and is the third largest area on earth. It seems like a large population like this would be significant to God, and would not be left out of God’s plan for the world.

China’s history

For millennia, China has called herself “the land of God.” It would appear that the Hand of Omnipotence was leading this ancient civilization. In the annals of Chinese history, we do not find a single instance of God’s anger being poured out upon a Chinese city or population.

The Chinese nation, earlier known as the “Middle Kingdom,” dates back to 2205 B.C. with its first dynasty, the Xia, established by King Yu. Even today in China, King Yu is still well-remembered as “the great Yu.” He was favored by Shangdi [the God of Heaven] who instructed him in the nine methods which enabled him to solve the problem of draining a huge flood that prevented further development and habitation of their land. King Yu was also renowned as a virtuous and exemplary ruler, providing a fitting pattern for later rulers to emulate.

During the later Zhou dynasty, the rulers of the eastern states fought one another for the control of all China. In 221 B.C., the Qin State defeated all its rivals and established China’s first empire controlled by a strong self-imposed emperor, Qin Shi Huangdi. Thus China entered its fourth dynasty, the Qin, (221 – 206 B.C.).

To keep out invaders, Qin Shi Huangdi ordered the construction, repair and strengthening of the Great Wall, which, with its eventual completion, stretches about 4,000 miles.

The name of “China” in all foreign languages of the world finds its root in the Qin [Chin] Dynasty.

The Word Sinim

You may wonder what the word “Sinim” means. Where is this land of Sinim, mentioned by Isaiah before his service was terminated in 680 B.C.? According to Strong’s Concordance, “Sinim is a distant Oriental region.”

“‘Sino’ indicates Chinese; for example, Sinophile. [French, from Late Latin ‘Sinae;’ the Chinese, from Greek ‘Sinai;’ from Arabic ‘Sin;’ China, from Chinese (Mandarin) ‘Ch’in’ [Qin], dynastic name of the country.]”


John 8 years, 10 months ago

"Now it is clear that the Hebrew word “Sinim” means China, as can be seen, for example, in the word “sinology”—a study of things Chinese. As mentioned earlier, all Chinese roots meet in the Qin dynasty. However, the Hebrew alphabet does not have the equivalent of “ch” in English and “Q” in Chinese. Thus “Qin” has been phonetically translated as “Sinim.”

The Significance of Chin

In Isaiah’s day, the state of Qin was only one of hundreds of states under Zhou (770 – 256 B.C.). It was located in the present Gansu Province through which trade with the West was conducted.

Sinim and Today

Isaiah’s prophecy about China did not stop with the Qin dynasty, but rather it extended into the future. Over the 2,600 years since Isaiah, many countries have come and gone, but the land of Sinim (Qin) still stands firm as the land of China.

Isaiah’s foretelling of a final gathering of God’s faithful among those “in darkness” must indicate a multitude of peoples—even from China. Most of the people living in China, since Isaiah’s day, have been “in darkness” concerning the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ. Yet here is a specific prophesy and a promise to bring “prisoners of darkness” in the land of Sinim to the light of salvation, freedom and mercy.

Does the God of Israel know and care about the land of Sinim (China)?

Listen to what He says right after the prophecy of China in the book of Isaiah:

“Can a woman forget her nursing child, And not have compassion on the son of her womb? Surely they may forget, Yet I will not forget you. See, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands; Your walls are continually before Me.” (Isaiah 49: 15 – 16).

The land of Sinim is still there. The massive Walls are still before the people of China and before the God of Israel. God has not forgotten the people of China, for He says, “See, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands.”

Jesus died for the people of China, like all other peoples, who must now come out of darkness, and put God in the center of their lives.

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John 8 years, 10 months ago

"History of religion in China

There have been several dynasties in China. The religions centered around Taoism, Buddhism, and Confucianism.

Today, China’s government discourages religion, and is communistic.

From what I can see in the basic foundations of Chinese religious thought, there is nothing telling them to conquer other lands in the name of God, or to oppose another religion as being opposed to theirs. So, they do not have a history of religious jihad or crusades against other religious groups.

China’s relationships today

The Chinese are interacting more now with the world community, but with centuries of social and economic isolationism from the rest of the world, and continued current isolationism to some extent, I see no evidence that would indicate a need of theirs to march against Israel anytime in the near future.

It is my opinion that the kings of the east who are prophesied to march against Israel in the end times are those directly east of Israel. These are the same enemies in the middle east that have been marching against Israel every time Israel was present, and have always opposed Israel’s right to exist.

Salvation for China

China is important to God. This is because God created everyone, and He wants all His creation to call upon Him for salvation, protection, and help. He also wants China’s love, devotion, and faith in Him. This is to let China know this.

Whether the future hold blessings or curses for China in the future end times is up to China. For those who will trust God, and have faith in Him, giving Him their hearts, God will protect them from dangers, and provide for them in famine and other troubles. For those who reject God, there is no promise of any help, only judgment from God.

China is an ancient land with a history of peaceful religious thought. Will they see the strength in this, and go a step further, and find out who Jesus is and what He came and did for them? Will they find out more about the God of Jesus, and His salvation and deliverance from evil?

It is up to the Chinese people to reach out and make this decision. The choice of a blessing or a curse from God is up to them. The Holy Spirit of God is ready to minister to any person who seeks God. If they submit to His wisdom, they will experience the promise of eternal peace and salvation. Will they say “yes” to Him? "







ohdrap4 8 years, 10 months ago

can i have some of this groovy drink please?


TheMadHatter 8 years, 10 months ago

The sad part is all of the women who have rushed out and gotten pregnant in expectation of increased monies coming in from their "baby daddies" - are now going to be disappointed - and the children will not be as well nourished with proper foods.

Oh, the children. Does anyone think about them? Why do we keep bringing more here to starve along with us?



Sickened 8 years, 10 months ago

The people who should be re-populating the earth aren't doing so and the poor, ignorant and religious freaks are. Back in the day these un-needed humans were used as cannon fodder. Now we don't have any large wars to cull the unnecessary so they immigrate to more successful countries than their own and become a drain on society. Mother nature will surely take care of them in due course. We just need to be patient.


TheMadHatter 8 years, 10 months ago

You are 100% correct. It remains unbelievable to me that the Church continues to expand their numbers only to their eventual demise. A prescription for untold unnecessary suffering.

I feel that the next war will be a doozie. Modern political methods and the fear of nukes keeps putting it off - but like a boiler drum in a factory unattended that keeps getting hotter and hotter - it will eventually explode.


Zakary 8 years, 10 months ago

  • Modern political methods and the fear of nukes keeps putting it off - but like a boiler drum in a factory unattended that keeps getting hotter and hotter - it will eventually explode.

Modern political techniques are amusing, and remind me of the slogan from the ministry of truth in the book 1984; war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength.

The millennials might be in for one hell of a ride, because if the social and political leaders of today keep preaching tolerance and spouting politically correct rhetoric then everything will blow up in their faces, just like a hot boiler drum. It looks like it takes too much smarts to address issues directly and solve problems/compromise.

Tensions between various groups are at an all time high, and even the genders are quietly at war with one another.


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