Spoil the ballot - by voting DNA

EDITOR, The Tribune.

THIS election cycle is so interesting to watch. In 2012, when the DNA emerged as a party contesting every seat, the governing FNM did not see them as a threat, just some insignificant little bug who would garner less than 100 votes.

The PLP was so confident of their win that they did not care about the impact of the DNA. The win was for them. And so it went.

And now in 2017, the DNA is still around and the feel from the major parties is slightly different. The PLP now sees the DNA as a little gnat, and makes no mention of them, although it is believed that many of their supporters have defected.

The FNM, who is supposed to be so confident about their win, is full of supporters who are annoyed, angry, bitter and bullying towards supporters of the DNA. And again I ask, why?

The responses I have heard have ranged from “Y’all gonna make the PLP win again”. Well, no. That win would be placed on the persons who actually voted for the PLP.

If there is such dislike for this current administration, wouldn’t it make sense that the majority of persons would vote either for the DNA or the FNM?

Oh, I forgot. The FNM is the only other party that counts, so everyone needs to just get onboard.

It is very annoying when persons try to bully you into voting the way they want. And most persons will fall victim to this bullying just to be free of the jeering and taunting. However, there are some of us who are not comfortable with either of the major parties and so we choose to align with the DNA. Even if I thought about voting for the FNM, the attitudes that I have personally encountered - the vitriol and bitterness from these supporters towards the DNA and the main cause of all of this, Branville - have made me evaluate the spirit of the people associated with the FNM.

I will not support the PLP because I do not believe that they deserve another chance in office, especially because of the continuous downgrades and the state of our economy and debt.

However, I am not at peace with voting for the FNM either, because they seem to think it is an automatic right for them to return to power. I do not want to spoil my ballot either because that is too easy a way out of being accountable for your actions.

I can be at peace with voting for the DNA because that means I want to see a change in this country, even if it doesn’t occur this year. I am sure it will happen someday, and I want my vote to stand for that.

I urge everyone to cast your ballot with the person you can be at peace with, and the majority will speak. This country will get the leadership it deserves.



April 19, 2017.


justthefactsplease 7 years ago

Well said Sam...I am with you.

Bahamians, spoil your vote by voting DNA!!


sheeprunner12 7 years ago


If you spoil your ballot in this election (with so much at stake for this nation) then you are a gut-less, cowardly, treasonous piece of shit ......... a DNA vote last election got us the PLP for 5 years and the PLP has taken our country back 40 years to the Pindling era of NATION FOR SALE ...... are you freaking crazy?????????


banker 7 years ago

Hey Sheep

Mr. Thompson and Mr./Ms. Justthefactsplease een gern change their minds by calling them freaking crazy -- even though they probably are for voting for a lightweight like Bran Flakes.

One thing that I have learned, is that you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them think. People thin-slice -- meaning that they make snap decisions, and then have an endowment entitlement over a faulty logical position of that snap decision. It all seems so perfectly elegant and logical to them.

I'll never change birdbrain's (ermm birdie's) mind by insulting her - even though it satisfies some uncivilised instinct in me. I will never change her mind by being rational. I could debate with the wit of Winston Churchill and the intellect of Albert Einstein and you can never make dense people see the light. It is a matter of cognitive abilities. Cognitive ability in people is varied. A good analogy is a thimble and a teacup. Fill both with water and they are both up to their capacity in logic, reasoning and cognitive skills. But there is a lot more water of sanity in the teacup than in the thimble. That is why you can never change people's mind. The only thing that will cause them to change, is them getting a good cut hip, either literal or figurative as a result of an action they personally took.

These kinds of people with fallacious points of view will hardly ever see the light. They are not willing to take the time to learn the possibilities. They cannot disconnect from their original, fallacious thoughts. They don't examine consequences fairly and evenly. They hold their opinions strongly without rigorous mental examination. In short, you will never change anyone's mind with invective and rhetoric -- even though it is fun to do and is cathartic.

The only hope of Bahamians patriots, is that there are enough people smart enough to see that Minnis is trying, has a group around him built on meritocracy and higher ideals, and won't tolerate the corruption that the PLP slimeball, sub-human, gutter rats practice daily. The only hope is that the collective intelligence is smart enough for that -- but I doubt it. Bahamian brains fetch the highest prices on the organ black market, because they are in such pristine, unused condition. Also they are an exquisite collection of miniatures. God help us all.


Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years ago

@banker: Too many of you posting comments to The Tribune website are completely blinded by The Tribune's bias and your own desired outcome to the general election no matter what the facts and truth may be behind these so called "political bombs". Most of you simply do not appreciate that if the likes of Minnis, Symonette and D'Aguilar achieve their political ambitions, the Bahamian people are guaranteed to experience corruption and cronyism by elitist politicians on a scale never before seen, or imagined....it will make Christie and his merry band of bandits seem like petty thieves in a lollipop store!


ThisIsOurs 7 years ago

You know, today I'm hoping that by 10AM I'm as rich as Brent Symonette. It could happen...all things are possible right?

This hope that you have that neither Christie or Minnis becomes PM leaves us with the option of Barney the Dinosaur leading us for five years and Barney is very annoying, can you imagine him trying to sit in one of those chairs in the house? And then he'd want to jump around too. And how would he hold any documents up in the air and scream the irrefutable facts are here for all to see Mr Speaker! He has no hands! Sadly as you can see, Barney won't work.


banker 7 years ago

You're a fine one to talk about facts and truths. I have caught you in one big lie and discerned many more. I am never going to change your mind with rational thought, so I will not even try. Carry on smartly and I wish you all the best in your life.


Boydie 7 years ago

I wholeheartedly agree Banker, Mudda Taker (Take what?) is very much in the vain of Tal and Strawn. Do not read or worse still respond to their paid drivel.


juju 7 years ago

Well said BANKER! Spot on.


ThisIsOurs 7 years ago

"It is very annoying when persons try to bully you into voting the way they want."

Then why are you telling people what to do? Doesn't make sense.


sheeprunner12 7 years ago

Many people (including some of the Tribune commentors) seem to think that supporters of the FNM are as blind and as rabid concerning issues and personalities as those who support the PLP ............... Generally, FNM supporters seem to be more educated, exposed and enlightened than PLP supporters

The core beliefs of the FNM speak to a nationalist agenda, while the PLP core beliefs are more geared towards socialist ideals ....... Thus the contrast in philosophical style and electoral support


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